My apologies , I must have overlooked that .Gh0st wrote:Sorry was that an answer as to why the Suffolk Rifles Glock wasn’t on the market now?
Ok, what ever, you just keep speculating away from your keyboard.
Neal's 22lr pistol (that was not a Glock) is not on the market for a couple of simple reasons .
1. Neal lost his RFD .
2. Another RFD was prepared to take over the project , however as the exchange rate against the dollar plumeted it was clear to them that the possible retail price of the firearm was way over what shooters would be prepared to pay for it .
Sadly I cannot recall who the dealer was , but I know he spoke to a few other dealers at Phoenix a year or more ago , and at the time he was saying that the pistol would have to retail around the £1500.00 mark if there was to be any profit in it .
But there it is , Neals 22lr pistol is not on the market due to circumstances beyond his control .