Yea, I know that, I have a statue of Elmer and Buggs in my garage (they need painting!!), but I have never heard it used to describe a hunter as a derogatory term over here.Pete wrote:Elmer Fudd is/was a cartoon character who spent most of his time missing his quarry in the woods...............
Walts however have been caught and clued in...about FP100 on Century at 300 IIRC. No idea how they managed to get the Chinook in without being noticed, but the little round man with the beard who was apparently a staffy in the airborne RA (so 4th field or 7RHA) could not explain how he earned the wings and DZ flash, let alone the rank. Not been seen since. Head to toe in MTP with cammed up rifles is not a good way to go. I am not talking about the odd bit of cammo or WPs when it is p*** down but a full blown attempt to reel in the unwary to their cumpery.
Generally Walts are naive fantasists which is why they are actually quite rare in comp shooting. Invariably they actually have to step up and be found wanting with the rest of us which sadly dents their legends. There is a whole industry dedicated to outing, naming and shaming these creatures.
Had the number of people who say they were on the roof or balcony at Princes gate 1980 actually been there the bloody place would have collapsed. No explosive required