How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

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How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#1 Post by Beena »

Hi all. I’m new to the sport and currently three visits in to, what will feel like, an eternal six month probationary period. My club does gallery shooting so I am having fun with 22LR, 44Mag and 38/357 Lever actions.

When I am able to apply for my ticket how does it work in terms of buying multiple firearms of the same calibre? I will be asking for a couple of slots for 22LR to cover bolt and semi options as well as moderators and 38/357 lever. But what if I wanted, for example, six 22LR rifles because I wanted to collect different makes? Do you have to justify the need for multiple guns of the same type or is it ok to have them because you like them and fancy some variation? I hear of people having loads of guns and wondered how it worked.

I find the whole FAC rules very confusing at times.

Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#2 Post by Gh0st »

It will be a simple case of applying for .22RF on each slot, as long as you have a reason.

My .22RF slots cover target and Vermin use. Just a simple explanation will be required for each one. I'm sure you can find reasons for a few. i.e. Target shooting, Vermin, Practical shooting etc
Last edited by Gh0st on Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#3 Post by Beena »

So you’re saying that you do have to have a valid reason for having more than one and that having a collection of different makes isn’t good enough?

Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#4 Post by Gh0st »

Well for example you could say you wanted

.22RF for vermin (using a bolt action)
.22RF for Target Rifle
.22RF for Practical Rifle
.22RF for Gallery Rifle

it will depend on your FEO as to what they class as a valid reason. Collecting could well be ok. but i don't have experience on that

Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#5 Post by Beena »

Thanks Gh0st that’s some useful info.

It was just a hypothetical really as I’m not in a position financially to amass an arsenal of Anschutz's. I was just curious as to how it works. Probably borne out of me drooling over various rifles online for when the day arrives that I can finally buy one of my own :)

Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#6 Post by Gh0st »

You will probably only get some of what you ask for first time round anyway. Then you can expand later
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Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#7 Post by GarethM »

You can get multiple firearms if you are collecting and can prove a theme. One person I know has just about every variant of 303 Enfields.
I would suggest biding your time about building your collection and establish your credentials. The suggestion above about multiple reasons is good in the meantime
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Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#8 Post by Rarms »

Which club have you joined?

Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#9 Post by Gh0st »

Rarms wrote:Which club have you joined?
Guessing Springview, Luton area IIRC?
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Re: How does buying multiple guns of the same calibre work?

#10 Post by Les »

Beena wrote:So you’re saying that you do have to have a valid reason for having more than one and that having a collection of different makes isn’t good enough?
Yes, you definitely need a reason, and buying guns just because you want them isn't usually a valid reason.

Target shooting, on the other hand, is ....... and you can have several guns of the same caliber. 2 x .22 single shot target rifles, 1 x pump action and 1 x underlever gallery rifles, 1 or 2 x semi-auto, a couple of bolt actions for sporting rifle etc etc. The heading of 'target shooting' can be used to explain the want er, sorry, the need to have so many. ;)
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