Hypothetical FAC Problem

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Re: Hypothetical FAC Problem

#21 Post by Laurie »

snayperskaya wrote:All Finnish Mosin's use Russian receivers, whilst some were fitted with Finnish made barrels the Finns never domestically produced their own receivers.

I seriously wouldn't bother with 53r cases, just use 54r cases.Commercial 7.62x54r from the likes of Sellier and Bellot and PPU etc are shot in Finnish .310"-.311" Mosins with no problem, same with Russian Barnaul ammunition.I believe the main reason that the Finnish variant is called "7.62x53r" isn't really about the case length, as the Finns rounded down whereas the Russians etc rounded up, but because the Finnish cartridge uses a .308 diameter bullet versus the Russian .310-.312. It has to do with naming conventions. You can't have 2 cartridges that are identical in every way except the bullet diameter and still call it the same thing if that makes sense.
Yes, the nominal case-length is 53.5mm, so both names apply equally accurately so far as that goes. It's not just a rounding exercise or even about bullet diameters as there is a national sentiment factor at play. As a former Imperial Russian province put into that position against its will by force which had seceded during the chaos of the Russian revolution, then had its own 'red v white' civil war where the 'whites' / secessionists came out on top, where the USSR later invaded in 1940, there was (and still is) among many Finns a visceral antagonism to Russians and anything Russian. I had a very pleasant evening out and talk discussion with a Vihtavuori manager some years back and the only 'iffy' moment was when I mentioned how desirable the Finnish variants of the 'Mosin Nagant' are here. He got really upset and hissed "Finnish rifles are NOT Mosin Nagants and never have been!" There is no way that people with such views are going to call their historic national military cartridge by its Russian name.
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Re: Hypothetical FAC Problem

#22 Post by Lancs_Oakley »

I have 5.56 / .223 on my ticket.

I assume when I renew it will just default to .223 as I bought a .223 rifle so no longer need the option for 5.56.

Re: Hypothetical FAC Problem

#23 Post by Andy632 »

Lancs_Oakley wrote:I have 5.56 / .223 on my ticket.

I assume when I renew it will just default to .223 as I bought a .223 rifle so no longer need the option for 5.56.
Yes, but make sure to keep the .223/5.56 ammo allowance.
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Re: Hypothetical FAC Problem

#24 Post by Blackstuff »

Lancs_Oakley wrote:I have 5.56 / .223 on my ticket.

I assume when I renew it will just default to .223 as I bought a .223 rifle so no longer need the option for 5.56.
My force just carries the .223/5.56 thing over, presumeably to make it easier to administer for them
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