Springfield M1A Socom 308 UK legal Version Straight Pull

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Re: Almost an M1A

#1 Post by M1ASocom »

Hi there,
I only just joined today. I have been really interested in the UK legal version of the Springfield M1A Socom 2 308 with VLTOR rail system. I have seen the ones sold by Luxdeftec not not seen one in person to make a decision. The only issue is that I wanted it as much like the original as possible, ideally with the original VLTOR socom rail. I have been trying to purchase the VLTOR rail separately, which is proving difficult. It should be able to drop into a different chassis I.e Sage Ebr or archangel if I decided I wanted something a little different later.

I would really appreciate any advise.

Springfield M1A Socom 308 UK legal Version Straight Pull

#2 Post by M1ASocom »

Hi there,

I am anew member looking for advise. I really love the Springfield M1A Socom 2 308 with VLTOR rail system in 16.25 inch barrell. I have seen the ones sold by Luxdeftec but not seen one in person to make a decision. The only issue is that I wanted it as much like the original as possible, ideally with the original VLTOR socom rail & able to swap original parts without any issues.I have been trying to purchase the VLTOR rail separately, which is proving difficult. It should be able to drop into a different chassis I.e Sage Ebr or archangel if I decided I wanted something a little different later.

I would really appreciate any advise.
VLTOR Socom Railing system
VLTOR Socom Railing system
Springfield M1A Socom 2
Springfield M1A Socom 2
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Re: Springfield M1A Socom 308 UK legal Version Straight Pul

#3 Post by mag41uk »

Take a lovely rifle and fugly it up!
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