Hensoldt MP5 Scope

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Hensoldt MP5 Scope

#1 Post by nickb834 »

I don't suppose anyone has a Hensoldt MP5 Scope or knows where to get one - everywhere I've checked like Zib Militaria is out of stock......

http://www.zib-militaria.de/epages/6143 ... cts/100086


Push comes to shove I'd take a G3 scope (externally same-ish but BDC is wrong).

I'm being a tart and want this for my HK MP5 (not the GSG one) as I'm fussing about how it looks rather than how it shoots........ given mine only gets shot at 20 yards then the BDC being wrong doesn't matter to me hence I'll take a G3 if I have to.
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