NSRA - Forced Membership

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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#21 Post by hitchphil »

Triffid wrote:Here's what the NSRA presented to the Shooting Council last month.

Worth looking at but I've no idea whether the Shooting Council gave it their approval. Clubs are supposed to be consulted on the proposal next year.

DocumentsMembership Transformation Presentation to Shooting Council November 2019 (2) (002).pdf
Do you have the document that they refer to in this presentation? or any consultation documents? - there is nothing on their website?

This is out of step with HO law on clubs - charging for probationary members is a first by any NGB - when they are not actually members in law & could result in guests being charged for insurance too - club insurance is just that insurance as required by law for the club & not its individual membership. You could have the club insured by NRA, a coach covered by NSRA & a shooter by Beaters & Ghillies etc! a recipe for them all to avoid paying up!

A small uni club will go from £128 to over £500! vs NRA £250 max. - so guess what they will do!
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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#22 Post by Alpha1 »

This is the equivalent of a business been very badly run and on the brink of bankruptcy expecting their customers to say yeah ok here is my money I will bail you out.
It's not going to happen. As a Club Secretary, I would not even consider putting this proposal to my members they would rip me to bits.
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