Good choice to begin with and unlike most of these sorts of posts you seem to know what you want and aren't asking "What should I ask for?" (if you didn't know I'd have thought you weren't ready to apply).andy1979 wrote:
1 x .22lr AR15 type semi + Moderator
1 x .22lr Remington 597 type semi + Moderator
1 x .22lr Bolt action + Moderator
1 x .223 centre fire + Moderator
1 x .308 centre fire + Moderator
My only advice is rather than your list as above replace with something similar to what's below. You can always give the details of the different actions and reasons for them when visit time happens.
3 x .22lr RIFLE
3 x .22lr Moderator
1 x .223 RIFLE + Moderator
1 x .308 RIFLE + Moderator