Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

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Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

#1 Post by dirtbag »

Hi all, hope we are all keeping well ?
We are moving home, and the toys need to go in to a large gun vault or an accumulation of gun cabinets until I have a gun room established in the new house.
Looking to see if anyone is selling large gun cabinets - long shot.

Re: Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

#2 Post by Andy632 »

I use a vanvault outback, does the job & cheaper than a similar sized "gun cabinet", thicker steel than most gun cabinets too.
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Re: Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

#3 Post by dirtbag »

Andy632 wrote:I use a vanvault outback, does the job & cheaper than a similar sized "gun cabinet", thicker steel than most gun cabinets too.
Thanks very much - do you have a link to the one you use please ?
Can these be stored "upright" so door opens horizontally ?

Re: Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

#4 Post by Andy632 »

Yup this one; https://www.sgs-engineering.com/s10820- ... gKcwvD_BwE

I suppose you could mount it any way you wanted with a little bit of engineering.
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Re: Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

#5 Post by bradaz11 »

don't the locks have to be to a specific standard? isn't a van vault just padlocks?
When guns are outlawed, only Outlaws will have guns

Re: Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

#6 Post by Andy632 »

bradaz11 wrote:don't the locks have to be to a specific standard? isn't a van vault just padlocks?
Yes, locks should be a certain standard and should also be set at specific distances along the door but many "Gun cabinets" aren't either. These are so called security locks but I didn't bother trying to find out the CEN rating. if you are concerned, or your FEO is concerned then it's easy enough to stick a van door security lock in the middle (about £30); otherwise these boxes exceed BS7448. I know a few people who have them (for firearms), I have 3 (one just for ammo). With careful arranging you can easily get 8-10 scoped rifles in. Never had any complaints about their suitability. They are big, heavy (60kg?) and with a little cladding and gun separators they do the job well, at a much cheaper price than equivalent sized "Gun" cabinets.
2.1 The security of firearms, section 1 ammunition and shotguns within a dwelling can in most cases be achieved using a cabinet designed for this purpose. New cabinets should conform to the requirements of BS7558 (1992) (see Annex C for examples on points of construction). The cabinet should be fixed to the structure and located to frustrate attack or identification by persons visiting the premises. Many older cabinets will be built to perfectly satisfactory standards and if satisfactory, need not be replaced.
Note the Should, not MUST.

Re: Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

#7 Post by Jame5m »

I’ve got a couple of large cabinets / safes I need to get rid of,

1st one is a large shotgun / rifle safe

It measures. 5ft x 3ft x 20inches deep, it has 2 x 5 lever locks was built in 2001 to BS Specs

The second is a real combination safe I used for ammo.

3ft 6 high x 2ft square

They would need to be collected from the Wirral
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Re: Wanted : Gun vault / large gun cabinet(s)

#8 Post by dirtbag »

Thanks all , and for the offers to help.
Due to having some long guns I am most likely going to need a cabinet (cabinets) of substantial size
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