MOD range access.

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Re: MOD range access.

#71 Post by Alpha1 »

I suspect it is only OTA that is having this problem.
Moving the goal posts again.
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Re: MOD range access.

#72 Post by phaedra1106 »

Unfortunately it's not the OTA making stuff up.

This is a national directive from the MoD which will affect every club using MoD ranges.

The OTA are the first to implement it, it will be applied to all clubs shortly.

The NRA are meeting with the Lt.Colonel responsible for the implementation of this new requirement on July 29th to discuss it further.

As it stands we have been told to supply the information prior to shooting (well in advance not on the day) or we, and the other clubs using the OTA ranges, will have our bookings cancelled.
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Re: MOD range access.

#73 Post by Alpha1 »


Dear Club Member
NRA Affiliated Club Access to outdoor MoD Ranges in England during Covid-19 Restrictions

I am pleased to report that Clubs are beginning to get confirmed bookings on MoD ranges in England following our agreement with DIO and NWRFCA. Access to ranges will be subject to local Covid-19 procedures designed to safeguard users and Landmarc staff. As part of the shoot planning process and range recce Clubs should check local restrictions particularly on numbers of shooters, site access and the process to sign on/off the range.

RCO’s are reminded that signing the range log confirms that the RCO has read and understands range orders and will comply with the ME/MV limits for the range. Keep in mind that range orders may have changed during the lockdown period. There is no requirement for Clubs to provide a list of firearms to be used on a MoD range.

Defence priorities have delayed the opening of ranges in the West Midlands, notably Kingsbury. We hope that bookings can resume in September.

Finally, please make sure that all the Club documentation is up to date including Home Office Approval, MoD range licence, RCO qualifications, First Aid kit and qualified person and that only shooters holding an NRA Shooter Competency Card attend bookings.

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Re: MOD range access.

#74 Post by phaedra1106 »

This is what we received from Guy Trembath at the NRA on July 28th.

Dear All

I am privy to an email from DIO HQ Warminster to all local DIO commanders which clarifies the satiation regarding the current requirement to supply a list of weapons which will be used on the range. Whilst I can’t forward it on to you, I can say that it represents good news in that we should be reverting back to how we were a month or so ago…namely :

There is no new requirement for a detailed list of weapons to be provided by the Shooting Clubs to the RAUs.

The requirement as stated in DSA 03.OME Pt3 “Use of MOD Ranges by Civilian Clubs” Page 49 – Para 46, Sub Para d remains extant: The RAU is to hold a list of current RCO’s together with their expiry date and a list of weapons, or groups of weapons by discipline for which they are qualified to conduct practices. This policy has been in place since 2013.

I must stress that before we all rip up the lists we have been making, we still need to wait for OTA to confirm the new ( or rather reverting back to the previous ) arrangements, and as such their current request remains in force until we are told otherwise. I will however be prompting them.

This clarification of policy is something which was driven directly by the NRA HQ.


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Re: MOD range access.

#75 Post by dromia »

So the NRA rep thinks we use weapons, I fecking despair with them.

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: MOD range access.

#76 Post by Mattnall »

I assume he's quoting or paraphrasing from the email from DIO Warminster.

Perhaps he should have corrected it, but it's understandable.
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