One law for them and one for the rest of us

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One law for them and one for the rest of us

#1 Post by Mauserbill »

Seems to be quite acceptable to go out and kill wildlife, but I cannot kill a paper target on my 100M outdoor range.
Second paragraph makes it all the more ludicrous "Paintballing" well that`s all right then,. Is target shooting not considered "A sport or organised out door activity ?

The Independent
Government exempts grouse shooting and hunting from new coronavirus gathering ban
The government has exempted grouse shooting and hunting from new coronavirus restrictions, as a sweeping ban comes in on meeting in groups of more than six. Groups of up to 30 hunters and shooters are specifically allowed under the restrictions, which also have exemptions for other "licensed outdoor activities".

The Independent understands that some Tory MPs are angry about the exemption, regarding it as a mis-step.
Guidance on the rules, published by Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs says that "shooting including hunting and paintball that requires a shotgun or firearms certificate license" counts as a "sport or organized outdoor activity".

“But the Conservatives are distracted with trying to exempt the bloodsport passions of their big donors from coronavirus regulations. It shows where this government’s priorities really lie.
“It is clear there’s one rule for the cabinet and their mates and another for the rest of us.”
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation said in a statement: “The latest guidance says that there will be exceptions where groups can be larger than six, including work or voluntary services as well as outdoor sport and physical activity events.
“BASC continues to press ministers for further detail but believes that these exemptions encompass shooting where shoots operate in accordance with Covid secure guidance issued by representative shooting organizations, including BASC.”
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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#2 Post by Christel »

I think it has something to do with social distancing? Easier to social distance on a grouse moor than in a club?

Just thinking out loud...
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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#3 Post by Mauserbill »

Possibly would have agreed with you until I saw the press pictures of the crowds of unmasked and not socially distanced hangers on, volunteers and hunting fans that were gathered
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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#4 Post by dromia »

I am not sure what laws you are on about, the same rules that the game shoots are operating under are the same ones that allow target ranges to operate.

My outdoor club is still shooting with covid procedures in place as is my indoor club so no reason not to be shooting at the moment.

MoD ranges that is a different matter as Landmark are a law unto themselves and just make it up as they go along.

As to shoots and people not complying with the covid conditions then that is them failing to apply and adhere to the rules, unfortunately there is a lot of that about, then it becomes an enforcement issue.

So I don't quiet see where you sensationalist tabloid headline comes from, the same rules that allow the game people to shoot is the same ones that allow me to target shoo, or am I missing something in your post?

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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#5 Post by Mauserbill »

The post title was not meant to be a or represent a "Sensational tabloid headline"
The saying "One law for them and one for the rest of us" (Is an idiom not appertaining to any actual law), an example of which would be.
To "Have bitten off more than you can chew" (Is an idiom meaning you have tried to do something which is too difficult).

I think that you missed the point of the posts meaning, that target shooters are under limited numbers and restriction conditions, when other sporting factions seem to have been exempted i.e. Hunts and field shoots even paint ballers are mentioned.
I would agreed with you that any contravention is an enforcement issue, but there were dozens of hunt supporters present and no fines or dispersal orders were apparently issued. You mentioned that the same rules are applicable to game shoots and that the same ones apply and allow target shooting, when clearly they are not !
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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#6 Post by Alpha1 »

Our Club outdoor range is also open to members and so is our indoor range. The only ranges we have lost are the ones we had booked with Landmark.
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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#7 Post by dromia »

There is a difference of space 'tween the hill and a range, on a range the firing point limit numbers the does not do so to the same extent.

On the shoot(s) you have claimed to have seen contravening the social distancing rules then they are culpable of breaking these rules not exercising an exemption. As to enforcement well it is not only on some shoots that the authorities fail but also on every street, park and shop that I seen. that is definitely not "One law for them and one for the rest of us". It is failure of enforcement at all levels and activites and yes I know there resource reasons for that as well.

This divisiveness 'tween different sections of the shooting community is what has led us to the sorry state we are now in, don't damn all game shoots as I am certain that there are responsible shoots who do things right, damn the shoot in question certainly if they have been in breach but don't damn them all and don't fall into the anti trap.

Remember that our media is anti shooting in all forms and they will portray us in the most damaging light they can, long lenses can distort perspective and make things seem different in space than they really are.

The quotes you have given are certainly anti gun journalistic sensationalism and the "Independant" is certainly not and is also not noted for being pro legal gun ownership or shooting. So I still think you OP to be sensationalism.

Interesting that evidently some tories thought a misstep as they new how it would be miss-interpreted by the left wing press to engender traction for their anti views and whip up the class issues that have led to the country being anti shooting.

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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#8 Post by Mauserbill »

The post was purely a social comment on the wide ranging aspects of various covid19 restrictions and how they differ. I don`t know how you have read into the post "Press divisiveness and class issues". The stag hunts operating 3 times a week during April-August as reported and are nothing to do with the shooting community. The instances of my claimed evidence of contravention of covid19 rules during field shoots and hunts are readily available on the web, so you can draw your own conclusions. Please remember that the press are almost anti everything at some stage it all depends on what the latest issue is at the time politics, religion, immigration etc. etc. The resources required to fully enforce the restriction are as you quite righty said not available. that is why as a community of shooters and field sport participants we should be ultra-careful in the image that we all project.
WEAR A MASK AND SOCIALLY DISTANCE advice to all groups who ever they are.

I quote form you own Covid19 post.
During these dangerous and unpredictable times we all need to do our best to protect ourselves, our loved ones and the whole country to help overcome this current pestilence.
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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#9 Post by dromia »

I am glad to see that you have read and are taking to heart what I have said.

From what you have posted I still don't see how the restrictions differ.

Just don't damn a whole sector of shooters because of the irresponsibility of a few and beware reporting especially from the polarised left or right wing press that we are blighted with in this country, believe that which you see with your own eyes and don't trust rags we have masquerading as newspapers and least of all never rely on them as "evidence" for anything.

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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

#10 Post by RDC »

Mauserbill wrote:Hello
The post was purely a social comment on the wide ranging aspects of various covid19 restrictions and how they differ. I don`t know how you have read into the post "Press divisiveness and class issues".
There has been a concerted effort in the media and certain political factions to make the shooting exemption from the rule of six to be a class war thing. You quoted the 'Independent', which is about as independent as Pravda or Völkischer Beobachter, and has been a part of that concerted effort.

Make no mistake, the article attacks all shooters, not just hunters and grouse shooter.
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