When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a right?

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Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#11 Post by shugie »

Geek wrote:And the labour clowns would have managed this better would they? I very much doubt it, I wouldn't trust the lefty loonies to run a bath!
Much as I detested Corbyn for backing brexit, I have to wonder how they could actually have managed to be worse. Boris has surrounded himself with yes men and yes women, his government is a shambolic mess. Labour do have some competent people on their front bench, certainly more so than in the current Cabinet, and they don't go in for lining their mates pockets.
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Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#12 Post by Christel »

shugie wrote:
Geek wrote:And the labour clowns would have managed this better would they? I very much doubt it, I wouldn't trust the lefty loonies to run a bath!
Labour do have some competent people on their front bench, certainly more so than in the current Cabinet, and they don't go in for lining their mates pockets.
I had to laugh when I read that, every single person in the Government is lining their mates' pockets and their own, why else would they be there.

Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#13 Post by artiglio »

This years intake at the uni’s has been asked to attend for two reasons

1 , they can then be charged for their accomodation and so support the uni’s who are struggling without overseas students.

2, being young they are’nt going to die and so are a perfect test sample to see what covid does when unchecked, lots of data will be gathered. Added bonus is that if they do develop some longer term immunity from reinfection they can be allowed home at the end of term and christmas saved, without killing off all the elderly relatives. ( best comment i heard from a student who’d tested positive, “i’ve had loads of hangovers worse than covid, why all the fuss”.

Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#14 Post by artiglio »

shugie wrote:
Geek wrote:And the labour clowns would have managed this better would they? I very much doubt it, I wouldn't trust the lefty loonies to run a bath!
Much as I detested Corbyn for backing brexit, I have to wonder how they could actually have managed to be worse. Boris has surrounded himself with yes men and yes women, his government is a shambolic mess. Labour do have some competent people on their front bench, certainly more so than in the current Cabinet, and they don't go in for lining their mates pockets.

They may currently have a competent leader and a shadow cabinet with worthy people, but for labour to have been in charge now would have meant Corbyn, Abbot and McConnell having won last december, as such I’d have no faith in them having done any better.
Politicians are driven by their own self belief in their worth , yet can’t see past the next election. So whoever is in power will be doing what they can to minimise fatalities ( difficult when your electorate is amongst the fattest and least fit on the planet) they don’t care what they spend or how badly it cripples the future all that matters is today ( news and chip wrapping) . So whoever is in power will spend to try and ensure thay retain power , quite content in that is they do get voted out they’ll have hamstrung whoever follows them and can leave their own “ there is no money left” note.

There is surely something wrong with entriusting your wellbeing to those whose paypacket and pension is guaranteed no matter how badly they perform , yet can rely on the full state apparatus to enforce what they decree because all those state workers are similarly cushioned.
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Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#15 Post by Geek »

shugie wrote:
Geek wrote:And the labour clowns would have managed this better would they? I very much doubt it, I wouldn't trust the lefty loonies to run a bath!
Much as I detested Corbyn for backing brexit, I have to wonder how they could actually have managed to be worse. Boris has surrounded himself with yes men and yes women, his government is a shambolic mess. Labour do have some competent people on their front bench, certainly more so than in the current Cabinet, and they don't go in for lining their mates pockets.
Communist Corbyn and the looney left did not back Brexit (not even sure they had an opinion let alone a policy on following the referendum result). As for the above, we will have to disagree, I hope I never see another Labour government again (I have worked too long and hard for state sponsored theft to steal what I own). Personally I just wish all the left would just move to a socialist country of their choice (Venezuela maybe?).


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Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#16 Post by DaveB »

shugie wrote:The whole "woke" business appears to me to be little more than those on the right seeking to suppress political views they don't like,...
Speaking as one from the right of the political spectrum, I have to say that I think you have somehow got the thing backwards.

It is not the political right who are:

- demanding so-called 'hate speech' laws which are so broadly drafted that they would in fact completely completely abrogate the right of free speech, such
as making it an offence to criticize Islam;
- shouting down and preventing from speaking ('cancelling') anyone whom they perceive to be 'wrong', which to them means anybody with whom they
- corrupting academic research and scientific investigation along political lines;
- demanding so-called 'safe-spaces' at university where they can be protected from hearing any opinion which might disagree with their accepted world
and most importantly, it is not the political right that is rioting in the streets and destroying private property, seemingly with complete impunity.

As for woke. I just found this on-line and it is something with which I agree when it comes to 'wokeism'.

America is undergoing a godless revival. A new creed—called “social justice,” “wokeism,” or “the successor ideology”—resembling religion yet avowedly secular and anti-spiritual, is spreading across the country. Its seminaries are the nation’s elite universities, its missionaries work in prestigious newsrooms. Adherents are remaking powerful institutions by “canceling” anyone who dissents or lacks zeal for the cause. Like any good revival, this one is replete with hellfire preaching. Eager audiences are told of their inescapable guilt, or “privilege.” Repentance is demanded, but forgiveness is not offered.

Secular progressivism has become more zealous and evangelical, trampling over traditional American notions of limited governance and tolerance. The defining fault line in American politics may no longer be between left and right. The relevant division now is between people who accept the binding, state-backed power of the new post-secular creed and the diverse coalition of groups—including traditional religious communities, conservatives, left-wing materialists, and one-time liberals alienated by the creeping dominance of left-wing absolutism—who resist its authority.

Heresy on the cardinal issues of race, the nation, and gender is not tolerated. Prominent media, educational and ordinary citizens have lost their jobs or otherwise been punished for alleged ideological infractions. “Wokeism” is not merely an idle belief system—increasingly it is the official philosophy of the ruling class, employed to justify the exercise of coercive power. Governmental authorities and corporations now coordinate in enforcing the dictates of the new secular progressive faith, often at the cost of protecting the constitutional liberties.

Consider the response to the novel coronavirus. Actual religious services among Jews, Christians, and Muslim communities were banned, while mass demonstrations were cheered on by elected officials, civic leaders, and public health professionals. This provides the clearest articulation yet of the way in which the original understanding of America has been reversed: The state, having aligned itself with one creed over others, no longer serves to protect freedom of expression.
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Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#17 Post by shugie »

Geek wrote:
shugie wrote:
Geek wrote:And the labour clowns would have managed this better would they? I very much doubt it, I wouldn't trust the lefty loonies to run a bath!
Much as I detested Corbyn for backing brexit, I have to wonder how they could actually have managed to be worse. Boris has surrounded himself with yes men and yes women, his government is a shambolic mess. Labour do have some competent people on their front bench, certainly more so than in the current Cabinet, and they don't go in for lining their mates pockets.
Communist Corbyn and the looney left did not back Brexit (not even sure they had an opinion let alone a policy on following the referendum result). As for the above, we will have to disagree, I hope I never see another Labour government again (I have worked too long and hard for state sponsored theft to steal what I own). Personally I just wish all the left would just move to a socialist country of their choice (Venezuela maybe?).
Corbyn is a well known eurosceptic, he called the EU a "capitalist bankers' club" and viewed the free movement of labour as exploitation. The main reason Labour did not tell Cameron to stick the idea of the referendum where the sun does not shine, and let the Tories split over brexit, was that Corbyn wanted to leave, albeit with a deal he would never have got. Corbyn was in favour of May's deal, and whipped his MPs to support the article 50 notice. Labour never really settled their own internal dispute over brexit, hence having a policy that amazingly managed to alienate both leavers and remainers. A remarkable outcome.

Who are the left that you want to move to Venezuela though, people like Corbyn, or people like me who detest the Tories but really don't like socialists much more?
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Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#18 Post by Christel »

Amazing isn't it. How left wing politics - BLM and all their riot friends out on the street - behave and think very similar to what happened during the WW2 in Germany.

So I will conclude that go enough far left and go enough far right, you meet eachother and there is no difference.
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Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#19 Post by Dark Skies »

Somewhere along the history of humankind we got the crazy idea that if we assembled a large group of self-interested, incompetent, liars with zero hands-on experience of real, meaningful employment, and handed them a very generous remuneration to go with power over us all, that somehow our lot in life would dramatically improve.

And if for some reason that proved not to be the case the best way to resolve it would be to announce a competition comprising the same ilk of people. The rules would be simple. Those that told the best lies and wove the best dreams would get their shot in power.
Humans are stupid.
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Re: When did a freshers week "rite of passage" become a righ

#20 Post by shugie »

Christel wrote:Amazing isn't it. How left wing politics - BLM and all their riot friends out on the street - behave and think very similar to what happened during the WW2 in Germany.

So I will conclude that go enough far left and go enough far right, you meet eachother and there is no difference.
There's little doubt of that in my mind, both extremes want to suppress all views contrary to their own, and maximise their power. For many years the UK has muddled along wobbling slightly from left to right of centre, but we now seem to have gone further right than before, with the government appointing its people in posts like the director of Ofcom and senior management posts at the BBC to go along with a largely right wing popular press.

The solution isn't the other lot of whackjobs, but I'd be quite happy to see a return to the Blair days, who seemed to annoy socialists and the more extreme element of the Tories almost equally, which probably represents the views of far more British voters than do the extremes, which is why he got so many votes in 1997.
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