South China Sea cruise

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South China Sea cruise

#1 Post by PeterN »

Fifty years ago, I was a young lad serving in the RAF at RAF Changi. I can't remember how it came about, but myself and four other airman got to go on a cruise on HMS Forth from Singapore to Hong Kong and back. I think it was something like five days there, five days in Hong Kong and five days back. We had to take leave from the RAF to go and we had to work our passage on the ship. We had to work from 9AM to 11AM with a tea break from 10 to 10.15. The rest of the day was ours to sunbathe or whatever. We were not included in the rum ration so we could only get a taste from what the sailors would give us. I had a go on the ships wheel but had to be watched closely as it seems I was in danger of getting the ship off course. The first day out we had a replenishment at sea. RFA Stromness came alongside and offloaded some stores onto us. I couldn't get any photos of this as they made us work humping the stores.
On our way and RFA Stromness coming alongside.
HMS Forth stern.jpg
RFA Stromness 1.jpg
RFA Stromness 2.jpg
A few more pics to follow.
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Re: South China Sea cruise

#2 Post by PeterN »

They had a practice with the Bofors gun. The tied some oil barrels together, threw them overboard, sailed a little way off and shot at them.
Boat 1.jpg
Bofors target.jpg
The approach to Hong Kong.
Approaching Hong Kong.jpg
More photos to follow.
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Re: South China Sea cruise

#3 Post by PeterN »

Last pics of Hong Kong.
Approaching the dock at HMS Tamar.
HMS Tamar docking.jpg
Docked at HMS Tamar.
HMS Tamar docked.jpg
The view from Victoria Peak. HMS Forth in the lower centre of the photo. The view has changed somewhat over the last fifty years. HMS Tamar no longer exists. The inner harbour has been filled in and is now Tamar park. The building have mostly changed.
HMS Forth from peak.jpg

I am not sure if anyone is interested in my reminiscing of times long gone. Incidentally, of the five of us that made the trip, I was the only one to come back without a tattoo. I still don't have one.
The Bofors does make it shooting related though.
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Re: South China Sea cruise

#4 Post by Polchraine »

She was a Submarine Depot Ship and I believe renamed in '72 ish to HMS Defiance when she bacame teh depot ship for HMNB Devonport.

Spending time on her probably showed you what real work really was - especially during a RAS, you may even have seen off duty officers helping to shift stores.

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Re: South China Sea cruise

#5 Post by ovenpaa »

Some brilliant pictures Peter, thank you.

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Re: South China Sea cruise

#6 Post by Pete »

Some great memories there !............I'd love to have a go with a Bofors at a flying target.

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Re: South China Sea cruise

#7 Post by falco67 »

My grandson is currently in the RAF with 617 squadron, currently enjoying a more or less around the world cruise with the Royal Navy. I am not in the slightest bit envious! Sarcasm intended!
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Re: South China Sea cruise

#8 Post by Chuck »

PeterN - Brilliant photos :good: :good: :good: . I've been to those places, albeit under my own steam and wallet power. Would love a go on the Bofors - guess I'd need to move to Arizona to do that now. lol lol lol lol
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Re: South China Sea cruise

#9 Post by 1066 »

Brings back memories - I spent some time out east in the '60-70's. Singapore, Penang, Hong Kong, Brunei, Japan and several of the Pacific Islands. Got to Hawaii and Fiji but never got to Tahiti.
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Re: South China Sea cruise

#10 Post by AL8 »

Nice pictures, thanks for posting.
Brings back memories of living in Kuala Lumpur in the last 60's while my father was based at Singapore Naval Base
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