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dodgyrog wrote:I see Rishi Washy our chancellor is proposing doing away with cash - the next step perhaps? But then, I'm just a stupid conspiracy theorist!
For one thing ... what has that to do with the current topic?
Secondly I don't see our tax-dodging, plump brown envelope trousering politicians ever going through with this.
It'd be shooting themselves in their own feet.
"I don't like my job and I don't think I'm gonna go anymore."
dodgyrog wrote:I see Rishi Washy our chancellor is proposing doing away with cash - the next step perhaps? But then, I'm just a stupid conspiracy theorist!
A cashless society is easier to control and monitor.......throw in the governments proposed obesity surveillance app,that people will sign up to because they'll get "reward points" for positive behaviour and without realising the wider implications of such surveillance and we'll soon be on a very slippery slope but again we'll be sold on the narrative that it is all for our own good and we're all in it together!......I dread to think what the next 5-10 years has in store for us all.
"The only real power comes out of a long rifle." - Joseph Stalin
Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank.....give a man a bank and he can rob the world!.
On the subject of freedoms and control has anyone else noticed the recent censorship of the internet on a great many websites that offer an alternate view that doesn't fit in with the official view of things, whether it be on Covid or JFK's assasination and a great many things in between......put "Covid-19 conspiracy" into Google now and you no longer get alternative views, or very few at least just the official line or sites that debunk the websites that offered an alternate view.......more censorship, more control, less freedom!, yet folks harp on about how bad the censorship in China and North Korea is!.
"The only real power comes out of a long rifle." - Joseph Stalin
Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank.....give a man a bank and he can rob the world!.
snayperskaya wrote:On the subject of freedoms and control has anyone else noticed the recent censorship of the internet on a great many websites that offer an alternate view that doesn't fit in with the official view of things, whether it be on Covid or JFK's assasination and a great many things in between......put "Covid-19 conspiracy" into Google now and you no longer get alternative views, or very few at least just the official line or sites that debunk the websites that offered an alternate view.......more censorship, more control, less freedom!, yet folks harp on about how bad the censorship in China and North Korea is!.
For "Official View" read, Facebook/Google/Twitter/eBay view ...
"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine." - Abraham Lincoln
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
God loves stupid people, that is why he made so many of them.
GeeRam wrote:Some people need to getting a f*** grip.....
It wasn't that long ago that in one of his addresses Pope Francis called for the formation of a global government and only last year that Gordon Brown proposed a "temporary" global government be formed to combat Covid-19.
If you look at the continual rise in global population, the rate we are depleting the planets resources, the
shift in geopolitics and the rise in tensions between nations, the increase in civil unrest around the world, climate change and the current pandemic etc etc sooner or later something has got to give!.
"The only real power comes out of a long rifle." - Joseph Stalin
Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank.....give a man a bank and he can rob the world!.
Mastercard Inc. is rolling out a tool that will allow consumers to gauge how their spending impacts the environment in what the company says is its latest attempt to become more sustainable in its business practices.
The payments giant is working with sustainably focused financial-technology company Doconomy to enable a carbon calculator that bank partners will be able to integrate into their consumer-facing apps. The company will also offer suggestions for ways to counteract these carbon impacts, such as donations toward planting trees.
How long till your spending is not GREEN ENOUGH?
Political Correctness is the language of lies, written by the corrupt , spoken by the inept!