Tikka into Anschutz stock

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Tikka into Anschutz stock

#1 Post by Pete »

Stock 1.jpg
Stock 2.jpg
Stock 3.jpg
This stock started with my Match 54, then it acquired a Musgrave, and now, I've put one of my 595's into it, the 6.5x47.
The Tikka is a flat bottomed action like the Musgrave, so it went in without too much trouble.
As a bonus, the Tikka action screw centres were the same as the original Match 54.
Took around a day and cost one pack of steel epoxy putty, £6.50 on ebay.

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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#2 Post by 1066 »

Nice job Pete. :good:
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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#3 Post by Alpha1 »

Brilliant job looks amazing. Is that an after market trigger.
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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#4 Post by Pippin89 »

Good effort. If you get a chance, it would be great to see the work you have done inside the stock. I am guessing you have removed some wood to make it fit and then done a normal bedding operation?
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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#5 Post by Pete »

The trigger is a CG Universal (for a T3, but also works perfectly with the 595), designed by Robert Chombart, made by Jackson Rifles...a "proper" 2-stage, everything fully adjustable.
I have them on both of my 595's. Got them from Baldie (I think) a few years ago.
Changing from the original Match 54 to the Musgrave was the most difficult bit........I used a mallet, chisel, and drill to remove the wood, and Devcon to properly bed the Musgrave action. I did a post on it at the time, might still be in the archive.
It's just a matter of taking time and constant trial fitting until it drops in.
Musgrave to Tikka was a lot easier, accomplished with an electric hand drill, an odd 8mm diamond bit designed for drilling glass (makes a great router), and sandpaper. The steel epoxy putty was used to bed the recoil lug in.
It's not bedded as such, but it does have a snug fitting recoil lug, and fits tightly into the stock.......I'm quite confident that it won't move.

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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#6 Post by Alpha1 »

I am assuming its been re barreled did you do it your self.
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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#7 Post by Pete »

The 595 originally came with a nice walnut hunting stock that badly needed re-finishing, and a totally shot out 243 barrel from a local dealer......cost me £295.
I had already bought a 30" Lothar 6.5 8 twist blank off a mate, (I had a slot for a 6.5x47), and the dealer, bless him, removed and gave me the stock, which I later fettled and sold, removed and binned the barrel, and sent the action directly to MikMak, FOC, and I sent the barrel blank.
Three weeks later, the dealer rang to tell me the newly re-barrelled action was back with him for collection.......the GRS stock arrived a week later.

Been enjoying it ever since.......

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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#8 Post by Pete »

DSCN4291 Muzz in progress.jpg
Here's a shot of the Anschutz to Musgrave transition just prior to pouring in the Devcon and sitting the barrelled action on top.....the white stuff is plasticine moulded to create a hole for the trigger as I don't have anything like a mill or router.
The plan was to dig that out after the Devcon had cured, and it worked pretty well. You can see where I've chiseled out wood to accommodate the fat Musgrave action. The dowel is to support the action while the Devcon cures.
A very messy job and I was glad I taped everything up beforehand.
DSC00001 B.jpg
This is the stock modded for the Tikka. All that was needed was light sanding of the vertical sides of the action cutout, and digging a hole and fitting the recoil lug using the steel epoxy putty. The trigger hole didn't need any work.
The s/steel post that I put in for the rear action screw can be seen. It was simply a matter of enlarging the original Anschutz hole hole and epoxying it in. Just a little excavation with a Dremel was needed to suit the 595 tang.
The action screws are the same diameter.
Now I fully accept that compared to a custom build, this is a monumental bodge, but once everything is bolted in place, it doesn't look too shabby, and I had some fun figuring out how to do it with just hand tools.
This 595 barrelled action fitted unbedded in a GRS Hybrid stock once achieved a 4 shot group of 0.3 MOA at 300yds about 1500 rounds ago.........it'll be interesting to see what, if anything, it can do now.....

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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#9 Post by Alpha1 »

Good job thanks for sharing.
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Re: Tikka into Anschutz stock

#10 Post by hitchphil »

Nice job - i bought a Clarke mill drill to do mine! vs use putty. Some bed a bolt up inside the pistol grip to reinforce it as its the thinnest section & often the grain isn't well orientated vs shear fracture forces induced by recoil. The thumbhole stocks are more resilient to that. Mine is an 1813 stock with a Swing Mk3 in it, might find some pics!

A decent stock transforms a rifle & how it reacts to trigger pressure & then recoil.
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