NRA or BASC or another

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Amber Dog

NRA or BASC or another

#1 Post by Amber Dog »

Hello everyone,

I have a quick question, I have been looking in to joining a shooting association - in my naivety I see it like join a union when you first start a new job. In my research I am non the wiser to deciding, would any one be able to recommend what would be best please? I will be mostly at a shooting club or the ranges if this information would be of assistance.

Thank you in advance,

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#2 Post by Mike357 »

Why do you want to join a shooting association? What do you need from it?

Can't see much benefit in joining the NRA given you are so far away from Bisley!
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Amber Dog

Re: NRA or BASC or another

#3 Post by Amber Dog »

Hi Mike,

I am unsure myself to be honest, hence the dithering question.

For some reason, I was under the belief that the NRA held other ranges, not sure where I got this from but even on their website I couldn't see a thing. Moreover, I see a lot of threads advising people to speak to BASC for advice - but all together I was unsure if such a thing is needed or not for a new starter.

Re: NRA or BASC or another

#4 Post by Robin128 »

I've been in BASC for years...they provide £10,000,000 insurance and their legal advice is quick, reliable and well informed. ... urance.cfm

As for NRA... :cool2:
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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#5 Post by Alpha1 »

If you are new to the sport a member of a shooting club or shooting at a affiliated club I see no reason to join any of the associations.
The NRA does not have other ranges and as you are so far away from Bisley I would not bother.
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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#6 Post by ovenpaa »

Certainly worth joining one for Insurance alone. As has been pointed out, Bisley is quite a distance however chances are your local clubs will be affiliated to the NRA anyway.

The NRA is handy if you ever decide to venture Sarf and shoot the comps hosted by Bisley, BASC is ok if you have a shotgun or hunt and like eating Badgers.

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#7 Post by dromia »

NRA is a waste of time unless you want to book a range at Bisley, you can still shoot there as member of an affiliated club or on guest days, you can also enter competitions without being a member, although a registration fee could be charged . Its an MOD range so you will need your white card. I've been a member for years and this will be my last as I've given up on them ever being national or representative of shooting and gun ownership rather than selected competition disciplines. Been promised much for too long with no delivery on the promises. Have a look at the NRA forum here.

Ovenpaa has a point about insurance and after looking around I'm going to rejoin the Sportsmans Association as it is the cheapest and has insurance, they also have a good track record of legal advice, £45/year full membership.

Christel did ask them if they wished to have a place here but they have ignored that offer so thats is all I can think of against them.

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#8 Post by ovenpaa »

dromia wrote:NRA is a waste of time unless you want to book a range at Bisley, I've been a member for years and this will be my last I've given up on them ever being national or representative of shooting and gun ownership rather than selected competition disciplines.

Ovenpaa has a point about insurance and after looking around I'm going to rejoin the Sportsmans Association as it is the cheapest and has insurance, they also have a good track record of legal advice, £45/year full membership.

Christel did ask them if they wished to have a place here but they have ignored that offer so thats is all I can think of against them.
Neither BASC or the SA have chosen to publish anything via this site which is disappointing considering this is a free table to work from. The NRA is indeed represented however given the flack they take for it I do wonder for how much longer. Christel and I live just 70 odd miles from Bisley so membership suits our needs, we both shoot at Bisley on a fairly regular basis and I doubt you will get cheaper than an NRA run competition if you ever get to attend, they also offer some cracking courses at very competitive prices. The plus for me with the NRA is I say what about an xyz or whatever and Heather comes back a day later and says SORTED! People like Heather and Karen and John and IainWR are the face of the NRA I know and they are all bloody good people. Sadly the issues appear to be at a far higher level but I strongly believe that changes are afoot and things will get better.

BASC may well offer similar but until they start telling me about it I will never know.

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#9 Post by dromia »

Yes indeed hats of to those individuals from the NRA who engage here and respond as they can.

I have nothing but respect for them as individuals and all their hard work.

My criticism of the NRA is not in any about their individual efforts.

However they are not the organisation as a whole and the NRAs lack of any effective national policy beyond Bisley is not good for a supposed national organisation. They have neither the resources, reach nor the influence to be national.

Bisley is their great strength and fantastic shooting resource for those that can use it, I used to love shooting there, but it is also their greatest weakness as far as being national is concerned.

The NRA always seem to taking one step forward and then two steps back.

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#10 Post by Christel »


If you only shoot at your local club then you should be insured through that club hence no need for additional insurance.

Just remember if you go to other venues then you need insurance.

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