I don't think "need" should really be a valid question. Do you 'need' a sheepskin rug beside your bed, or a wheely chair in your office when a plain carpeted floor or a simple wooden chair would suffice? Of course not - they're just the "nice to have" items. In this day and age of "ban it now!" kneejerkery, we should be opposing new restrictions and pushing hard to overturn the pistol and semi-auto bans.ovenpaa wrote:More to the point did we really need them? I am yet to shoot a truly accurate S/A from the 1970/80's and the vast majority of the more modern stuff I have handled has failed to impress me, the exception being the occasional heavier barrelled weapons such as the LSW which I must admit surprised me.
I'm not a member of any of the national associations, although I'm near enough to Bisley to make joining the NRA a viable prospect. I have to say, though, the sole reason I'd bother joining them is so I could book a target in my own right. That I'd have to go through the whole probationary member process, as a non-FAC holder, despite having been shooting TR for 7-8 years now, is also a negative point.