NRA or BASC or another

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#21 Post by Gaz »

ovenpaa wrote:More to the point did we really need them? I am yet to shoot a truly accurate S/A from the 1970/80's and the vast majority of the more modern stuff I have handled has failed to impress me, the exception being the occasional heavier barrelled weapons such as the LSW which I must admit surprised me.
I don't think "need" should really be a valid question. Do you 'need' a sheepskin rug beside your bed, or a wheely chair in your office when a plain carpeted floor or a simple wooden chair would suffice? Of course not - they're just the "nice to have" items. In this day and age of "ban it now!" kneejerkery, we should be opposing new restrictions and pushing hard to overturn the pistol and semi-auto bans.

I'm not a member of any of the national associations, although I'm near enough to Bisley to make joining the NRA a viable prospect. I have to say, though, the sole reason I'd bother joining them is so I could book a target in my own right. That I'd have to go through the whole probationary member process, as a non-FAC holder, despite having been shooting TR for 7-8 years now, is also a negative point.

Re: NRA or BASC or another

#22 Post by karen »

Blackstuff wrote: But BASC is the closest thing to a national organisation and they were the only publically visible shooter organisation that stuck their heads above the parapets after the Cumbrian shootings. In fact, in imho i think they had a direct influence in getting the HAC to (seeminly) listening to shooters aswell as the knee-jerk hand-wringers :good:
With respect - bollox! :G :G

Actually the NRA were first on the case as a certain helicopter pilot phoned what was happening into us before it got into the media. We were in action well before the story broke.

It was decided very quickly by ALL the shooting organisations to have a single voice and that voice would be BASC.

We were there, we did a HELL of a lot of work but were quite happy to let BASC lead on this.



Re: NRA or BASC or another

#23 Post by Robin128 »

Why did the NRA let BASC lead on the Cumbria enquiry?


Re: NRA or BASC or another

#24 Post by karen »

Robin128 wrote:Why did the NRA let BASC lead on the Cumbria enquiry?

Don't know exactly why other than one voice acting on behalf of everyone makes more sense - however for a more detailed answer you would have to ask Glynn or Robin that question.


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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#25 Post by dromia »

Why don't you ask BASC Robin? You are a member.

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#26 Post by Dougan »

I don't know why people keep saying that the NRA is only about Bisley?

I have posted before that they have helped our club (and other Dorset clubs) with access problems at our local MOD range in the past. And funnily enough; I got an email forward to me only a few days ago by our club sec - It was about the measures the NRA have put in place to help us with another problem we had with the way the MOD were charging Dorset clubs....guess who it was from?....Heather! :good:
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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#27 Post by dromia »

I'm pleased to hear that Dougan and hats of again to Heather.

I take as I find though.

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#28 Post by ovenpaa »

Get another couple of dozen Heather's in the NRA and it would be a very special organisation.

Just don't tell her that! ;)

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#29 Post by Dougan »

dromia wrote:I'm pleased to hear that Dougan and hats of again to Heather.

I take as I find though.
I know we get help because we shoot at an MOD range - What's the situation up north? Is Diggle MOD? And what about other ranges up there?
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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#30 Post by dromia »

No Diggle isn't MoD. The main MoD ranges in use are with us are the Catterick and Otterburn complexes. My main reason for joining Diggle, even although it is two hours away was because I was sick fed up of cancelled ranges and turning up at ranges where you were supposed to be sharing and finding you were the only club so having to bear the whole cost. I only go to MoD ranges now when I have no other choice the bookings are just to unreliable, also with the cuts its harder and harder to get bookings now anyway.

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