NRA or BASC or another

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#31 Post by Dougan »

dromia wrote:No Diggle isn't MoD. The main MoD ranges in use are with us are the Catterick and Otterburn complexes. My main reason for joining Diggle, even although it is two hours away was because I was sick fed up of cancelled ranges and turning up at ranges where you were supposed to be sharing and finding you were the only club so having to bear the whole cost. I only go to MoD ranges now when I have no other choice the bookings are just to unreliable, also with the cuts its harder and harder to get bookings now anyway.
The MOD range down here is an excellent facility, but not cheap. Quite a few club use it regularley, so I think the revenue is enough that they want to accomodate us...but it does really help having the NRA's support.

It's a shame that the situation isn't the same up there - but I'm sure that with more resources (including politcal) the NRA would do what they could...

...but as you say; with all the's difficult...
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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#32 Post by dromia »

Well, we are still waiting to hear from our new regional rep see what his take on things are, fine words at election time and now silence. To be honest my interest is well waning in all this and I'm structuring my shooting around non MoD non NRA dependant opportunities. In the past I've put a lot of time and effort in both at a club level and trying to support the NRA but to no avail. Been promised many things and seen nothing come to pass, carried the message tried to get enthusiasm and support for the NRA when I used to believe but then found out I was the only one over the top.

Time to move on and look to myself as no one is looking out for me.

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#33 Post by karen »

ovenpaa wrote:Get another couple of dozen Heather's in the NRA and it would be a very special organisation.

Just don't tell her that! ;)
Too late - she's currently sat on my bed whilst I'm reading this (OK stop what you're thinking all you pervs :shock: its just a lack of chairs in my place)

I think the way forward must be cloning - three or four clones to do my work so I can laze around all day - bliss!

24 Heathers might be a bit noisy though :lol:



Re: NRA or BASC or another

#34 Post by Dougan »

dromia wrote:Time to move on and look to myself as no one is looking out for me.
Arhhhh...when I see you at the Trafalgar, I'll come and give you a hug...cheer you up :good: :lol:
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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#35 Post by ovenpaa »

We will need a photograph of this y'know :clap:

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#36 Post by Doz »

Speak for yourself... :shock: :lol:

Re: NRA or BASC or another

#37 Post by Robin128 »

dromia wrote:Why don't you ask BASC Robin? You are a member.
No, I am quite happy for BASC to take the lead...that way I know something will be is evident.

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#38 Post by ovenpaa »

Well as I am not a member of BASC and interested in this perhaps you could ask them on my behalf Rob?

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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#39 Post by Ballistol »

[quote="ooLJCoo"]Hello everyone,

I have a quick question, I have been looking in to joining a shooting association - in my naivety I see it like join a union when you first start a new job. In my research I am non the wiser to deciding, would any one be able to recommend what would be best please? I will be mostly at a shooting club or the ranges if this information would be of assistance.

It really depends what and where you intend to shoot.

As I'm geographically in the same region as you, you will be covered by any local club you choose to join, who will likely have access to MOD ranges via Ponteland or Otterburn.
If you are shooting outside the umbrella of this coverage, you may wish to join an organisation such as those mentioned. Most people feel better covered by the associated insurance of this but it may not be necessary, depending on your plans.

Although I dearly love to visit Bisley, it's just not a practical option given where we live to shoot there regularly :cry: . I've yet to do the trip in less than 6 hours and often much, longer.
If you want to try longer range shooting, or some of the different disciplines then the closest place for you is Diggle. It's a fine range complex, the members are first class and will make you welcome, but it's still over two hours to get there. :good:

When you have a better idea of your interests and requirements, the answer to your problem will be much clearer.
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Re: NRA or BASC or another

#40 Post by dodgyrog »

You are right, the journey to Bisley is tedious but, in my opinion, well worth it.
I traveled down last weekend to shoot with the BSRC, met up with a good friend and his family (who put me up for the night and fed me), had a fabulous shoot and made a few new friends.
The only down side, 3 members of my Northern club were there as well. They are three absolute t***s and I had a good laugh at their expense when their jaws dropped on seeing me in the refreshment area (Jenny's hut).
The heavens opened in the afternoon but fortunately I was shooting running deer from under cover. They were less fortunate at the 1000 yard point. I suppose I shouldn't laugh at them but I did have a wry little smile on my face.
All in all well worth the 12 hours in the car.
As to joining the NRA, I expect I'll drop out in the New Year as I fear they are not for changing. I will, however, stay in BASC not least for the insurance. Their media centre was and is an excellent facility for supporting shooters.
I will continue to go down to Bisley to shoot 3 or 4 times a year (or more if possible) as it is a great venue.
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