Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#71 Post by Pippin89 »

Mattnall wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:16 pm The Club (free) FAC was issued to clubs because of similar arguments about not knowing what firearms were out there. This was a blanket license a bit like the SGC is now.
Then 'slots' were introduced similar to the current personal FACs and that was a further restriction.
Correct me if I am wrong, there is no requirement to fill slots as there is on a personal FAC right? My main club always has slots available to allow the freedom to buy rifles as they come up for sale. And there is never an issue with this. We just replace them with free variations at each renewal. I understand your concern that allowing this opens the door for further restrictions to be brought in. However, I think another incident like FMJ range would be more likely to make that happen. And with it being in the news, I would be surprised if there aren't others who have done similar because they have learned about the exemption.
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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#72 Post by Blackstuff »

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree with this one, as has been said most (if not all) legitimate set ups are ran by people who already have an FAC so IMO there's little infringement on anyone genuine. The issue of guns/slots could easily be taken care of with appropriate conditions on an existing FAC.

Understand the 'thin end of the wedge' argument but this is just too juicy a stick to beat all shooters with for the anti's, disgruntled CC's and government for my liking.
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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#73 Post by Mattnall »

Pippin89 wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:42 am However, I think another incident like FMJ range would be more likely to make that happen. And with it being in the news, I would be surprised if there aren't others who have done similar because they have learned about the exemption.
Clowns like FMJ Ranges will be the death of all shooting.
They, however, didn't break any s11(4) laws. They were convicted of other firearms offences in another part of London, HSE and or the council needed to have a word about safe practices and may have done.
Their poor and unsafe range management bought them to the attention of the local authorities though and rightly so. Despite being told that things were unsafe the owner was just very rude and told me in no uncertain terms that I don't know what I'm talking about and that I should mind my own business. Well, I'm still in business, and where is FMJ Ranges?
Arming the Country, one gun at a time.

Good deals with Paul101, Charlotte the flyer, majordisorder, Charlie Muggins, among others. Thanks everybody.
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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#74 Post by Pippin89 »

Mattnall wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:21 pm
Pippin89 wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:42 am However, I think another incident like FMJ range would be more likely to make that happen. And with it being in the news, I would be surprised if there aren't others who have done similar because they have learned about the exemption.
Clowns like FMJ Ranges will be the death of all shooting.
They, however, didn't break any s11(4) laws. They were convicted of other firearms offences in another part of London, HSE and or the council needed to have a word about safe practices and may have done.
Their poor and unsafe range management bought them to the attention of the local authorities though and rightly so. Despite being told that things were unsafe the owner was just very rude and told me in no uncertain terms that I don't know what I'm talking about and that I should mind my own business. Well, I'm still in business, and where is FMJ Ranges?
Couldn't agree more that they are a threat to our sport. And in my opinion, taking steps to ensure people don't do similar damage to us is only a good thing.
No arguments about whether they broke s11(4) rules or not. But if they operated the way they did without breaking laws.... kind of says a lot doesn't it? As Blackstuff said, agree to disagree.
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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#75 Post by MistAgain »

Pippin89 wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:42 am
Mattnall wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:16 pm The Club (free) FAC was issued to clubs because of similar arguments about not knowing what firearms were out there. This was a blanket license a bit like the SGC is now.
Then 'slots' were introduced similar to the current personal FACs and that was a further restriction.
Correct me if I am wrong, there is no requirement to fill slots as there is on a personal FAC right? My main club always has slots available to allow the freedom to buy rifles as they come up for sale. And there is never an issue with this. We just replace them with free variations at each renewal. I understand your concern that allowing this opens the door for further restrictions to be brought in. However, I think another incident like FMJ range would be more likely to make that happen. And with it being in the news, I would be surprised if there aren't others who have done similar because they have learned about the exemption.
Is there a requirement in the Firearms Act to fill a vacant slot in a certain time ?

If there is perhaps someone will enlighten me .

And if there isnt , are any of our shooiing organisations prepared to have a friendly chat with whatever firearms department is trying to write their own version of the firearms act ?
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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#76 Post by Alpha1 »

My certificate is due for renewal next year. I have vacant slots on my certificate that have not been filled and they have just carried over to my renewed certificate.
I have held the club certificate since 2016 and never had any issues regarding slots. I mainly use the Club certificate for ammunition to sell to our members. I am allowed 18,000 rounds of different calibers.
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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#77 Post by Alpha1 »

I have never had an issue with my Licencing department. Maybe being a Club Secretary might help. But a phone call usually sorts the problem out. I have been invited to pop up to head quarters and had a variation the same day.
Not only me but my Club members have had the same expeirence.
My certificate renewals normaly take less than a month. My last Club renewal took 10 days.
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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#78 Post by Alpha1 »

Having said that I am not licenced by Durham but I have a issue that needs to be resolved. A five minute phone call would do it. Its been going on since December 2022.
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Re: Gun storage - exceptions to general rules

#79 Post by John Gunn »

At our club members can store their guns in the club armoury for a small charge.
This is only accessible by the Range Officer.
Members can use the club owned guns.
No other club members are allowed to use privately stored guns.
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