Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Flebay

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Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Flebay

#1 Post by Convict_keeper »

have just put these on ebay ... 1555.l2649

free postage if it goes to anyone on here :shifty:

just confirm via IM on here if your the winning bidder :cheers:

Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#2 Post by Robin128 »

Will Ebay leave that ad up?
Dave 101

Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#3 Post by Dave 101 »

Unfortunatley ebay rules forbid knives and edged weapons .

I had an item removed by them last weekend which only had a couple of hours before it was sold , this is classed as inert ammo or componenet parts there of .

I did say that I would abid by their decision but I hoped that it applied also to suppliers of the same item from other countries , to which the reply was if I would report said items they will look into it . No way let them do there own dirty work .

There is a pig sticker on ebay at the moment descibed as a letter opener , desk item , wonder hoew long that will last .

Hope you get yours sold before someone reports it .


Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#4 Post by Convict_keeper »

Ok bo...cks ebay has pulled it

so i guess it goes up for sale on here




Dave 101

Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#5 Post by Dave 101 »

nWhat you can do is list it on the Belgian ebay then it may get seen here , there are often Bayonets from the USA listed in the Lee Enfield section , I bought a bayonet a couple of weeks ago from a guy in Lancashire who lists via Belgian .
Good looking items but I would sell them individualy as not every one wants all three , just my opinion , at least you can put the sight adjuster and sling on ebay here .


Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#6 Post by Robin128 »

Sorry have to state the rules.

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Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#7 Post by bobbob »

Bnz had looked at your eBay listing earlier while watching another bayonet. The other bayonet sold in US $'s even though the seller is listed as being in the UK, as was the item. We have just checked. A seller called cutting-edge UK, (clue in the name) is selling an SA80 bayonet as a "collectible", it is listed in US $'s. There are plenty of others who seem to be getting round the rules.

I nearly had my account closed down a few years back. We acquired some 30 round .223 AR15 mags and thought we would sell them. I sold one then had a question from a guy in New York about the capacity, then came the warning :(

We have listed a few 1/6 scale rifles and even they can cause confusion :G

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Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#8 Post by Dave 101 »

At the end of the day its all about ebay trying to be pc in th UK , they get all high and mighty with us but in reality dont give a s**t what happens in the real world because their rules are different for other countries so long as they are making money .

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Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#9 Post by ovenpaa »

I would also sell them separately. Anyone noticed that eBlag uk has some form of policy block in place for interesting items? I was looking for an M-89 Krag bayonet, nothing listed in the UK search, a .com one showed nothing as well but searching from a Norway IP revealed a couple of nice ones so I logged in from Norway, added the item and sure enough it was visible in my UK watch list.

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Re: Mauser K98 bayonet, fore sight adjuster & sling on Fleba

#10 Post by froggy »


I could be interested.

Which marker is it pls ?
Is it "matching #" ? (makers + date markings on the ricasso matching those on top of the scabbard) ?
Do you have a close up photo of the markings on the frog pls ? is it brown or black ?
Same for the markings on the frog retention hook on the scabbard & the markings on the guard as they seem to be post-war re-issued foreign marking.

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