Section 7 Pistols

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Section 7 Pistols

#1 Post by Buckshot »

Hey guys,
welcome to my first post on the forum! Now, I might be new, but I'm going to start by asking a fairly complicated question. I am 16 years old and I live in Kent. I do not have a FAC, but I do have a collection of deactivated firearms and other militaria. My question is: where do I go from here in order to try and obtain section 7(1) authority? Thanks.

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Re: Section 7 Pistols

#2 Post by ovenpaa »

Firstly Alex, welcome to the forum, good to see you posting :good:

Now regards your question, do you have any S7(1) ranges in your area? Nearest I can think of is Bisley which is quite a distance from you. You are certainly going to need to get an FAC in place so it would be well worth having a chat with your future FEO, have you decided what you want to shoot in S7 at this stage?

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Re: Section 7 Pistols

#3 Post by Christel »

Buckshot, welcome to the forum.

Re: Section 7 Pistols

#4 Post by Tower75 »

Hi and Welcome.

As above, I think Bisley is your closest place. Our Essex club just got Section 7 approval, but that's probably the same distance as Bisley is, maybe a bit further.

Again, as above, you're gonna need to get yourself a FAC first, and as stupid and mad as this sounds, I can feel that the police would be a bit funny about granting a "new-shooter" a Section 7 licence.

It's that whole thing of you need to be a "known face" before the police will even think about giving you a Section 7. But, that's just my experience and at the end of the day, it's down to the FLO you get.

It might be easier and cheaper to get yourself a Section 1 black-powder handgun first and see if you like the whole handgun shooting thing before you commit to Section 7.

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Re: Section 7 Pistols

#5 Post by Alpha1 »

Section 7/1 allows you to aquire a fire arm as part of a collection you can keep it at home but you are not allowed to shoot it.

Section 7/3 allows you to buy a hand gun but it has to be kept at a designated 7/3 shooting centre.

He stated in his post that he is wanting information on aquiring a 7/1 if that is the case he does not need to join a 7/3 shooting centre.

But he will need a fire arm certificate and proof he is a collector.
The fact that he owns a collection of deactivated fire arms could go in his favour.
Last edited by Alpha1 on Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Section 7 Pistols

#6 Post by ovenpaa »

Good point :oops:

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Re: Section 7 Pistols

#7 Post by Buckshot »

Thanks for the help guys. Ok, so would you say it is vital that I work on getting an FAC before I try and apply for section 7(1) authority, or would it just make it a bit easier? Thanks again.

Re: Section 7 Pistols

#8 Post by Tower75 »

I would say vital, yes. I've never known anyone to have a S7 and not have a S1 or S2.

But saying that, Kent might be completely different. Give your firearms office a ring and speak to their FLO, they'll be the chaps to give you the "ok", so see what they say.

Good luck!

I've been uming and ahing about applying myself, so if you get one, I'll apply too. Deal?
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Re: Section 7 Pistols

#9 Post by jjvc »

Only certain calibers are eligible for 7/1 Buckshot, i think your best bet would be to talk to your local firearms licencing officer to find out the criteria and show them you have a bona fide interest in collecting, not shooting this type of firearm.


Have a good read of this page.... ... istarm.htm

Part of a collection

13. The terms of section 7(1) require that the firearms concerned must be 'kept or exhibited as part of a collection'. As this is a legal requirement, the police will wish to be satisfied that the collection is genuine and that the owner has a genuine interest in historic firearms. The collection will usually be of several related firearms of recognisable historic interest, and the owner will have an established interest in collection. If there is any doubt, owners may wish to provide supporting evidence, such as a letter from a relevant museum.

14. If the gun falls into the above category and forms part of a genuine collection, then it might be kept at home without ammunition. If the gun does not fall into the above category, or if the owner wishes to fire the gun, then Section 7 (3) below may apply.
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Re: Section 7 Pistols

#10 Post by IainWR »

Hi Alex

Are you a member of the NRA?

If yes, give me a call.
If no, may I suggest you would find it useful (there is a scheme for free membership for under-21s).


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