Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

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Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#1 Post by judders »

Hi all,

I was just tinkering with my Land Rover and a live .22LR round fell out from behind the dash! It must have been the previous owner's, as although I have a .22LR slot, it's empty.

It's intact, so presumably still live, but looking a little worse for wear and you certainly wouldn't want to use it.

So my question is as per the subject, what's the best way to get rid of it?


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Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#2 Post by ptheta »

Grip the head in a pair of pliars, hold the case in your hand and just twist your hand to sort of turn the head out. They come out really easily.

I've seen outdoor practical ranges end up littered with chewed up un-shot .22lr from jams in a timed round. I always try to pull mine but I can see how they might get overlooked on occasion.
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Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#3 Post by ovenpaa »

This is always a dilemma.. If you have the calibre on your ticket then you can shoot it however if it is ropey then you can either You can normally rock the bullet out on .22LR very easily with a pair of pliers with the obvious accompanying danger or hand it into your local Police station. Yes there is the option of slinging it in a ditch however I am very much against such actions.

EDIT - Ptheta beat me to it :clap:

A bigger problem is if you find something which is not on your ticket. As an RCO I had someone with a duff round, after going through the normal action of waiting a minute and then carefully unchambering the round it was obvious that the primer had been struck correctly so it was certainly duff. I asked him if he had provision for pulling it which he had not so I ended up with it at the end of the shoot, took it home and pulled it as I would do with my own ammunition. Great but what if it had been a calibre I was not licenced for....

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Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#4 Post by judders »

Cheers guys.

It's knackered so there's no point saving it to shoot; reckon I'll pull it apart then.

So, once I've pulled it apart, what's the safest way to dispose of the power that's inside?
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Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#5 Post by ptheta »

Chuck it on the garden. It's a tiny amount anyway.

Alternatively you could try burning it. I've raced different powders down my garage floor but frankly it's a bit dull. They don't go half as well as in the movies.

Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#6 Post by Tower75 »

+1 in the garden.

Or flush it down the loo... :good:

Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#7 Post by judders »

Nice one, cheers. :good:
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Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#8 Post by mr smith »

ptheta wrote:Grip the head in a pair of pliars, hold the case in your hand and just twist your hand to sort of turn the head out. They come out really easily.

They sure do i've seen someone do it with their teeth :squirrel:
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Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#9 Post by Chuck »

Drop it in the pocket of a local ned and shop him to the cops.....
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Re: Disposing of live rounds (other than shooting them!)

#10 Post by judders »

Chuck wrote:Drop it in the pocket of a local ned and shop him to the cops.....
:lol: :good:
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