How much ammo?

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Moderator: dromia


Re: How much ammo?

#11 Post by judders »

The most I've been through in a day is about 80 x .308, but it's usually more like 60.

Re: How much ammo?

#12 Post by saddler »

Try visiting an ETR range: You'll go through most of your days ammo alllocation before your first cuppa - then be scrounging more from whoever has spare/stuff to sell

Some shoots I attend though: 2 to sight & 10 grouping - then go to the back of the queue!
Be lucky to get through more than 3 or 4 dozen a day that way = in total, not per rifle.

Re: How much ammo?

#13 Post by Rascal »

In a typical day 25-40 7.62/.308 and I normally try and get an hour or so on the gallery ranges 40-50 .357 Mag through my underlever. If I am shooting .22LR then 1-2 boxes (50-100).

Re: How much ammo?

#14 Post by froggy »


I dont shoot competiton so for me it has to be fun & pleasant so it really depends of what type of shooting I do.

In England I only shoot full bore club days so 40 rounds . Back at the club I mostly shoot standing non-rested with an Anschutz 54 so 100 rounds of 22lr is the max I can physically do in that mode.

In France I have a long drive to shoot rifles so I tend to spend the day & make the most...
Normally I start with 30/40 reloaded (by a friend) rounds on the K98 and then on average 250/300, some time more, 223 with the AR (Semi-auto) but in a let's say "dynamic & ludic" mode. It is only between 50 to 100 meters so I shoot cheap manufactured Wolf/Tulamo.

If I shoot pistol 100 rounds 22Lr and the same in 9mm. If I get the 44 out rarely more that 50 in full charge :oops: . If I do Free-pistol (club guns) not more than 30/40 as I can not seem to hold my concentration for any longer.

As a result I tend to shoot a lot of different things and end up being cr*p at all of them O:-)
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Re: How much ammo?

#15 Post by ovenpaa »

I agree with the pistol Froggy, I find it very tiring and seem to mentally shut down after around 40-50 shots and after that struggle to hold accuracy, it is not a significant loss of accuracy, just enough to tell me I am getting tired and it is time for a coffee, a chat with Christel and a break from shooting. I can go back an hour later and pick up where I left off and be back on form but I seldom do.

After all it is supposed to be fun isn't it?

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Re: How much ammo?

#16 Post by Watcher »

If you're thinking about what to put on your FAC ('ticket') then there are some other considerations:

Its often cheaper to buy ammunition in bulk. For example its cheaper to buy .22 in 'bricks' of a 1,000 (well it is round our way). On that basis its good to have permission to hold say 1,500. so you can have some 'in stock' when you buy.

With full bore (if you arent handloading) its useful to be able to hold, say, 500. This is because if, like me, you only get to Bisley once or twice a year its useful to be able to buy a years requirements in one go.

It all depends on where you shoot. If you go to Bisley you can shoot all day if you want. If you shoot at Altcar like I do you've got a spell in the butts and the possibility of 'look out' so you only get one go on a Sunday and that's usually 2+20.

Hope this makes sense.

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Re: How much ammo?

#17 Post by Blackstuff »

.223 & .308 - 50-100 per range visit
9mm - 50-200 depending if i'm just plinking, fitting new optics or doing a competition etc
.22lr - 50-500 again depending on the above
12b slug - 25-100 depending on the competition
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Re: How much ammo?

#18 Post by dromia »

I concur with the 1500/100 for .22 as bulk buying is cheaper and also batch consistency for accuracy if you are a competitive shooter.

For my full bores I have 750/500 because I batch load quiet a few calibres on my progressives and I like to turn out at least 500 or so at a sitting to make the set up worth while.

Those on as collector rifles are limited to 20 per calibre.

Obviously with nigh on a 100 slots on the ticket the police were worried about the total number of rounds I may have even when I pointed out to them that the explosives act covered the total amount I could have.

So really it depends on your needs, if you have good reason then you should be able to get what you need.

Come on Bambi get some

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