I understand the basic framework of applying for the FAC. That is Joining a Club, probationary period and then finally applying for that FAC.
Some questions on the club, FEO etc, and I guess this vary from club to club/force to force, but I guess I'm looking for experience views rather then a definitive.
On joining the club, I imagine you shoot one of there firearms - most likely .22? Would I be coached/supervised throughout the probation period? I have no issue with it just curious.
Also as I alluded to in my introduction, I've always shot down range in Switzerland. I've got various bits of paper (abit irrelevant really) that state I attended this course shooting x, y, z. Would you bring these up with your FEO if you were a new applicant? I know honesty is best policy. But is he going to think I am abit of a nut job? I have no criminal, minor or motoring convinctions.
What basis do they grant calibre on, generally? Being straight up. I am interested in a .22 semi auto black rifle for reasons I will explain below. If I also wanted say .308 on my ticket straight away, would that count as a variation? The sea of Home Office gubbins on this leaves me abit baffled at times.
So the reason for the .22 Black. I am broken