FAC Questions

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FAC Questions

#1 Post by oscar »

Hello folks,

I understand the basic framework of applying for the FAC. That is Joining a Club, probationary period and then finally applying for that FAC.

Some questions on the club, FEO etc, and I guess this vary from club to club/force to force, but I guess I'm looking for experience views rather then a definitive.

On joining the club, I imagine you shoot one of there firearms - most likely .22? Would I be coached/supervised throughout the probation period? I have no issue with it just curious.

Also as I alluded to in my introduction, I've always shot down range in Switzerland. I've got various bits of paper (abit irrelevant really) that state I attended this course shooting x, y, z. Would you bring these up with your FEO if you were a new applicant? I know honesty is best policy. But is he going to think I am abit of a nut job? I have no criminal, minor or motoring convinctions.

What basis do they grant calibre on, generally? Being straight up. I am interested in a .22 semi auto black rifle for reasons I will explain below. If I also wanted say .308 on my ticket straight away, would that count as a variation? The sea of Home Office gubbins on this leaves me abit baffled at times.

So the reason for the .22 Black. I am broken lol. I have cross sight dominance, and boy it can be a pain in the ass. Right handed but Left eyed. My dexterity with rifles lefty is OK, but I am no natural switch hitter. It takes me time and it takes alot of consistet practise. Practise I don't get when the nearest rifle involves a plane ride, and burgers in excess of 14CHF/£10 (I am not joking either).

Re: FAC Questions

#2 Post by Tower75 »

Yes, you have the basics down.

First step: Join a club and complete their probation period.

If it's any club worth their salt they will coach you as a probationary member, most have a probation booklet or record that you complete or fill-out as you go along, a lot have safety courses that you need to attend too.

Right, applying for an FAC, you firstly need to list which calibres you which to posses and why. Your reason is "target shooting" etc, you also need to list the amount of ammunition that you would like to possess. As a rule of thumb, the starting amount is always; Buy 500 rounds, Keep 600 rounds

So you could ask for;
.22 Rifle - Semi-auto; Buy 500, Keep 600 (although you might be able to get away with 1000 rounds as .22s burn through it quick and the police know that)
.308 rifle - bolt action; But 500, Keep 600

It depends on the police service you deal with, but as another rule of thumb, Essex for example, will only be happy to grant a 4-firearm FAC to a new shooter the first time around.

As to your Swiss tickets, you can mention them, wont hurt. Don't know if they'll do any good, but they wont hurt

Re: FAC Questions

#3 Post by M99 »

oscar wrote:Hello folks,

I understand the basic framework of applying for the FAC. That is Joining a Club, probationary period and then finally applying for that FAC.

Some questions on the club, FEO etc, and I guess this vary from club to club/force to force, but I guess I'm looking for experience views rather then a definitive.

On joining the club, I imagine you shoot one of there firearms - most likely .22? Would I be coached/supervised throughout the probation period? I have no issue with it just curious.
Depends on your club - at ours the rules are you will get 1:1 supervision whilst a probationer - but you can shoot any calibre that is available on the day - most of our members are happy to let newbies try out their guns under supervision, the idea being you will then return the compliment to a newbie when you are in the other position!
Also as I alluded to in my introduction, I've always shot down range in Switzerland. I've got various bits of paper (abit irrelevant really) that state I attended this course shooting x, y, z. Would you bring these up with your FEO if you were a new applicant? I know honesty is best policy. But is he going to think I am abit of a nut job? I have no criminal, minor or motoring convinctions.
Yes, I would, along with your new club membership (Full by this stage) etc
What basis do they grant calibre on, generally? Being straight up. I am interested in a .22 semi auto black rifle for reasons I will explain below. If I also wanted say .308 on my ticket straight away, would that count as a variation? The sea of Home Office gubbins on this leaves me abit baffled at times.
Depends on force policy - but for Target shooting/club use - our force area will grant almost anything on a first application! - one of the lads at the club has just got his first ticket back with 8 different authority to purchases!
So the reason for the .22 Black. I am broken lol. I have cross sight dominance, and boy it can be a pain in the ass. Right handed but Left eyed. My dexterity with rifles lefty is OK, but I am no natural switch hitter. It takes me time and it takes alot of consistet practise. Practise I don't get when the nearest rifle involves a plane ride, and burgers in excess of 14CHF/£10 (I am not joking either).
Eye dominance is an interesting subject in its own right - as are Black rifles :clap: - I shoot a Black .22lr (Sig 522 SWAT), but as for eye dominance, some say it is a behaviour that can be "taught" out - others say not.


Re: FAC Questions

#4 Post by saddler »


In no particular order - if you ask for 308 at the time you apply for you FAC, that is part of the initial GRANT - it would only be a variation if, after a year or 3, you decided you needed a new addition - or 6 - to your FAC, at which time you would apply for a VARIATION...for which there is a fee.
Best get advice from whatever club you join, as not all of them have access to full-bore rifle ranges...so bear that in mind.

As for the certificates you have - best to show them to the club officials when you join - shows prior experience of things

Supervision - each club will vary on this - but ALL the clubs I shoot with will have the firing point run by a Range Conducting Officer: he keeps an eye on what everyone is doing & makes sure rules are adhered to
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Re: FAC Questions

#5 Post by Blackstuff »

The club i served my probation at gave me 2 nights tuition on a bolt action .22 and i was free to use the club guns after that which included various .22's and pistol calibre under-lever rifles. It'll depend on the RCO's/your instructors opinion on how safely you handle the rifle as to how much 1 to 1 tuition you'll get, as you've shot before you'll likely be able to satisfy them you're safe with 1-2 sessions like i did (i'd also shot before).

When it comes to applying for your intial grant, my advice is apply for every single type of firearm that the club you're a member of can be shot there! Providing the club has facilities for the calibre of firearm you want, and the secretary is happy enough to sign your card for that calibre, there is no reason for the police to turn you down. This is the beauty of joining a gun club, as opposed to shooting on land, as then you're restricted to what the land is cleared for. Applying for as many firearms as possible means that if you decide at a later date you want a different type of gun you can do a 1 for 1 variation on the 'slot' which doesn't cost you anything. To get a gun added would cost you £26 a go at the moment, but thats going to be increasing significantly soon :bad:

My initial grant included;

.22 semi-auto + moderator + 500/600rd ammo allowance
.38/.357 under-lever + 500/600rds
9mm lever-action + 500/600rds
.223 straight-pull + spare barrel + moderator + 500/600rds
.308 bolt-action + moderator + 500/600rds

All of which was approved :good:

You shouldn't need to mention any previous experience if you're a member of club, however if they ask during your interview i can't see what harm it would do.
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Re: FAC Questions

#6 Post by ovenpaa »

Regarding telling your FEO about previous experience and certificates I would also say do it. Eagernoskills (ENS for short) Our resident Saffy did exactly this and put in down in writing as well, his FEO was blown away with the information and ENS had his first UK FAC turned around incredibly quickly. Hopefully he will pick this thread up and expand on what he did.

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Re: FAC Questions

#7 Post by Watcher »

Tower.75 wrote:.22 Rifle - Semi-auto; Buy 500, Keep 600 (although you might be able to get away with 1000 rounds as .22s burn through it quick and the police know that)
Can I suggest buy 1,000; hold 1,500. There are often discouts (round here anyway) for buying a 'brick' of a 1,000.

Re: FAC Questions

#8 Post by oscar »

Thanks very much for the info guys, very helpful to me!

Re: FAC Questions

#9 Post by froggy »


When I applied for an FAC I mentioned that I shoot in France. My FEO asked me for supporting documents and I supplied him with copies of the authorisations for the firearms I have in France as well as a copies of both my club + French Licence. One week after I had faxed him the documents my FAC appeared in the post, so I guess it does not hurt .
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Re: FAC Questions

#10 Post by bobbob »

As we seem to be attracting shooters from foriegn parts :wave: who have moved to the UK and are wanting advice on applying for licences, should a "Sticky" be made? Maybe someone with the knowledge could do a write up of the basics all under one topic. Could be helpful.sign85
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