Let's hope that the positions go to people worthy of them and not an ex-military Rupert or ex Plod who will not rise to the enormous challenge they will face.John25 wrote:http://www.nra.org.uk/common/asp/conten ... RA&id=1085
http://www.nra.org.uk/common/asp/conten ... RA&id=1084
The NRA has a membership department, is this an additional post at £50k?
The Director of Training has just been made redundant.
New Chief Executive. Cor, wonder what his pay will be?
I do hope my NRA is going to get it right.
So, new jobs at the NRA or should it be jobs for the boys I wonder?
Rumours galore here but not for publication as I can't verify them.
Let's also hope that they will be given the authority to act without interference from the Trustees.