Has anyone got a set of .223 dies they are no longer using and would like to sell?
I will also need a case holder and some brass and bullets
.223 dies Wanted
Moderator: dromia
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All groups are welcome to post unless your user name is in Newly Registered Red, your post will be removed.
No disparaging remarks, if you don't like what you see then don't buy it.
Re: .223 dies Wanted
Done! :cheers:
Re: .223 dies Wanted
SimG may have some brass - he literally gives it away!!
Let me know how many ya need, may have some spare
Let me know how many ya need, may have some spare
Re: .223 dies Wanted
Any brass is handy right now as this is a bit of a budget start up thing.
Re: .223 dies Wanted
Should have some old brass and definitely some fmj you can have as well.
Re: .223 dies Wanted
All sorted out by my bestest mate Whoowhoop, I need to order a case holder and I can play to my hearts content :shakeshout:
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