Hello from the glorious north

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Hello from the glorious north

#1 Post by billgatese30 »

Hi Guys (and girls).

I have been reading over the forum for the last couple of days and so far it seems pretty good from what I can see.

First of all, I thought I'd give you a quick idea as to why I am here. I have the recent urge to get back into shooting; I was once into controlling rabbits/rats/pigeons for a few farmers with my air-rifle from the age of about 15/16 until about 5 years ago when I was also looking to apply for my FAC/SGC. Things all seemed to go against me as I was losing spare time due to work and education (engineering apprenticeship but I carried on to my HND part time after that, I'm currently doing my BEng degree through the OU) and also lost one of my two permissions at the time. This left me with one permission quite a way from home and even less free time to get to it meant that I shelved the FAC idea and slowly but surely the air rifle got less use too. Now 5 or 6 years down the line at 25 years old I have a rather big itch :oops: for all things that go BANG (or even quietly go poof) :grin:

I am looking to mainly get my FAC for .22 initially and look at the local clubs near me (iniatially thinking about Bishop Aukland, would be interesting if any members are on here) but I'd also love to do some full-bore work as I've always had a large soft spot for No4 Lee Enfields, although that may be a year or 3 down the line as funds allow. Again funds allowing I wouldn't mind a cheap shotgun for busting the odd few clays now and again, as I have done a little bit previously but probably only shot at about 200 or so in my entire life; although I enjoyed every one (even the ones that were missed).

I am also looking to get back into some vermin control as well as target shooting as I used to love getting out into the fields on a nice summers day, even if there was bugger all there to shoot, it was nice just to be out in the fresh air in the sun :grin: Initially this would just be with the air rifle of course but my thinking is that if I already have an FAC granted (albeit with target conditions) then its only a matter of a variation and a land permission needed to get a some slots on the FAC for .22 or .17HMR for vermin, rather than then having the months of sorting things out.

Any how, enough of the war and peace style ramblings, and back to drooling over some of the nice stuff I can't afford on here (and most other shooting forums on the web).

Oh, and I almost forgot the usual introduction post style "lonely hearts/alcoholics anonymous" bit. My name is Chirs, 25 (yes, really...don't let the few grey hairs poking through fool you :? ), I'm from the glorious North East (Washington to be precise), I'm into pretty much anything to do with cars/motor sports (the only thing that drains my money quicker than shooting ever did).

Oh, and I am also interested in shooting, but I think may have already guessed that :lol:

I noticed there seems to be quite a strong northern presence on the board too which can only be a good thing.


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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#2 Post by Christel »

Afternoon Chris, good to see you on here, glad that you did decide to join us.

Any questions, ask away, plenty of knowledge on here.

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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#3 Post by 20series »

Hi Chris, welcome to the forum :goodjob:

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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#4 Post by Blackstuff »

Alright Chris and welcome! :cheers:

If you're from 'the Wash' your nearest rifle club will be http://www.mayfairshootingcentre.co.uk/ and nearest clay pigeon club will be the one at Springwell Village (Behind Uplands Way) which is on every other Sunday(i think) :good:

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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#5 Post by Mike357 »

Hi Chris, welcome to FBUK
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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#6 Post by billgatese30 »

Thanks for the welcome guys.

Mark, I know that the Mayfair is closer but work can be hectic and I prefer that the one at Bishop is open 7 days (once your a member) plus I like the idea of the 50 metre range versus the 20m one at Sunderland. Plus I'd rather drive 40 mins down the A1 than sit for 20 minutes getting through Sunderland on a Friday afternoon after work, I hate driving in town.

I always knew that there was a clay club at Springwell, but I could never find out much about them (times etc), the only other ones I knew of was Spennymoor and Steve Smiths at Dinnington, although recent searching has shown another at Leamside which is only 10 minutes down the road, I am assuming it will be the same sort of grass roots affair as Springwell though (which suits me down to the ground). I can see the clays being good for a summer Sunday afternoon's fun :D


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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#7 Post by ovenpaa »

Welcome to F-B(UK) Chris, it looks like your area is becoming increasingly more popular with shooters young and old.

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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#8 Post by Blackstuff »

billgatese30 wrote:Thanks for the welcome guys.

Mark, I know that the Mayfair is closer but work can be hectic and I prefer that the one at Bishop is open 7 days (once your a member) plus I like the idea of the 50 metre range versus the 20m one at Sunderland. Plus I'd rather drive 40 mins down the A1 than sit for 20 minutes getting through Sunderland on a Friday afternoon after work, I hate driving in town.

I always knew that there was a clay club at Springwell, but I could never find out much about them (times etc), the only other ones I knew of was Spennymoor and Steve Smiths at Dinnington, although recent searching has shown another at Leamside which is only 10 minutes down the road, I am assuming it will be the same sort of grass roots affair as Springwell though (which suits me down to the ground). I can see the clays being good for a summer Sunday afternoon's fun :D


I've tried to find some info about the club at Bishop but haven't been very successful, if you get clued in will you let me know please as i work in Spennymoor most of the time so i could be handy, depending on opening times, plus like you say a 50m indoor range is something of a bonus! :good:

I'm a member of the clay club at Leamside, we've switched to Wednesday nights now its light enough, the first one was wednesday gone and its every fortnight after that. Get there for 6pm if you fancy it, i'm usually wearing my forum hoodie so i'm easy to spot smile2 It's MUCH more of a strawbaler affair than Springwell but guests aren't expected (or permitted for that matter) to help putting the traps in/out, trapping etc so don't worry about that ;) I'll see if i can find out the score for Springwell, i could be wrong but i think it's on this Sunday as there were a few people from Leamside talking about going but i'll not make it as i've got a PSG competition in Carlisle tomorrow.
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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#9 Post by billgatese30 »

ovenpaa wrote:Welcome to F-B(UK) Chris, it looks like your area is becoming increasingly more popular with shooters young and old.
Looking back over the new members posts, I think your right. I suppose the north east is the centre of the universe after all :good: Thanks for the welcome.

I may look in on Wednesday Mark. Where abouts exactly in Leamside is it? As far as I could tell from various bits on the net and a quick google earth recce it was one of 3 farms. I'm not about tomorrow or Monday so I'll have to wait to have a gander at Springwell, but its not the end of the world, I have been away from shooting for a couple of years, another couple of weeks ain't going to make a difference.
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Re: Hello from the glorious north

#10 Post by Blackstuff »

Just type in Marks Lane, West Rainton into Google Earth or what have you and that'll get you more or less there, then its the farm to the East, and use the entrance from the East :good: ;

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