Valid points, all of them.
To be honest, the whole idea of "stocking up", or keeping items in storage for "just in case" emergencies is a good idea, but it's not one I've ever thought of doing. That's not to say that I'm above that, or I suffer from sometype of elitism attitude, it's just that, that idea has never been in my thoughts.
Maybe I should. 'Tis a good idea. But knowing me, I'd go "Hmm... baked beans, bacon, Dr. Pepper... and porn. I'm set" Wouldn't have a clue where to start with the stocking up.
As to why are the UK so crap at everything and we do the whole "someone in charge should do this", I think, personally, for whatever it's worth, it's still based on the founding of the countries. Bear with me.
Britannia, England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland, Great Britain, The United Kingdom, whatever, has aways, aways, aways been under the thumb of someone. A Tribal leader, the Romans, a Lord, A Knight, a King, a Queen, The UN - Do one Brussles - anyway, since people first crawled out of their caves in these great isles and first went "ugg", we have always been ruled by higher ups.
Other then being a bit ambitious and wanting to beat up, and rule other foreigners, simple because they're foreign, we, the populous, have no independant spirit. It's built into us that the higher ups call the shots, and we, the people, will like it or lump it, except we can't lump it, so we stick the kettle on and grumble in queues.
Now America, not to be confused with 'Merica, which I think is the southern bit
is litterally built on the frontier spirt. Granted those first settlers were God fearing Brits, but what did they do when they got there. Shot a bunch of foreigners, mainly because they were foreign, and then went off into the unknown, uncharted frontier and became Americans. The King started to get a bit leary around in the 1770s, and the colonials started grumbling a bit, and then one bright spark went "Do we have to take this?", then someone went "No, not really", so they rebelled and kicked us out.
Again, on the frontier, you had to be hard, or you died. End of. No governments were out there in the Town of Dead End, NM in 1875. You did things yourself, hunted yourself, protected yourself and sometimes took the law into your own hand. Because if you didn't do the above, you died. End of.
That spirt I think has stayed in America to some degree. I mean, these crazy b****** let their children loose with a fireaxe to hack a Nazi Zombie to pieces. I've seen it,
We've always been ruled
They've always been free, expect for that one spat in history were they werent. But they won, so, you know...