Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

All types of competitive shooting including Bell Target, MR TR F/TR F Open, GR, Small Bore and BR

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Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#11 Post by John25 »

For competitions above level one which are shot under UKPSA/IPSC conditions, yes, the competition license is required.

PSG is shot by a number of clubs who do not shoot under UKPSA/IPSC conditions but I do not know what their requirements are.

I do know that their safety requirements and standards are of the best.

I have emailed a friendly contact for the answer.

He may of course pick up this thread if he is a forummer.
Posts: 292
Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:24 am
Home club or Range: TFSA
Location: Basingstoke

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#12 Post by ptheta »

I believe you have to be a UKPSA member to hold a competition license as well.

When I did my safety course at Shield I was considered eligible for the license but didn't take them up on the offer as I didn't want to have to pay yet another annual fee.

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#13 Post by John25 »

I believe it is still the case that you can complete the UKPSA safety course without being or becoming a member, but I'm not sure about the membership/license issue.

I'll ping an email to find out, unless someone beats me to it with an answer.
John MH

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#14 Post by John MH »


Thanks but don't bother as I'm not entering anyway. Just seems curious that there are two competing schemes that are both outwardly trying to achieve the same thing.

My 'Military' qualification was taught by recognised professionals to a fully documented scheme iaw the AOSP that has a clear audit trail should something unpleasant occur.

I, like many others, don't wish to have to pay for something I don't need.

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#15 Post by saddler »

The CL is an International one - needed to compete in some UK & most non-UK shoots

When I did my course, they only provided a CL to folk that were active paid up UKPSA it's not quite like an MoD Card as that item is only good for the UK

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#16 Post by John25 »


I agree, I don't know how many years I ran down the range with one up the spout, faster blokes yards in front of me without any bit of paper.

Slightly different as a serving member however, the civillian COC is a piece of beurocratic nonsense foisted on us by Defence Estates.

We were lucky that they did not demand to impose 'harsher' conditions.

The competition license is IPSC/UKPSA only and one we need if we want to shoot their competitions. I wouldn't have one either but for that as I'm sure would be the case with lots of people.

I don't think the two schemes compete as such as they are for different purposes. The only 'advantage' if there is an advantage to beurocracy, is that the UKPSA competition license is accepted by the NRA as a 'pass' for a COC.

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#17 Post by JSHarris »

John25 wrote:

Posession of the UKPSA comp. license is (was when I was there) accepted by the NRA as a qualification for an NRA COC.


not any more, the basic course does not cover certain important items of range safety, NRA members with a competancy card in another discipline can get one for TS on completion of a basic course.

What individual clubs do is up to them though.

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#18 Post by JSHarris »

John25 wrote:For competitions above level one which are shot under UKPSA/IPSC conditions, yes, the competition license is required.


not quite,

comp licence is only required by UKPSA, it is NOT an IPSC requirement.

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#19 Post by JSHarris »

John MH wrote:John

Thanks but don't bother as I'm not entering anyway. Just seems curious that there are two competing schemes that are both outwardly trying to achieve the same thing.

My 'Military' qualification was taught by recognised professionals to a fully documented scheme iaw the AOSP that has a clear audit trail should something unpleasant occur.

I, like many others, don't wish to have to pay for something I don't need.
Hi John,
not competing schemes, one is a mandatory requirement enforced by a small club, the other is a national scheme recognised by the MOD/DESTL

and no , you should not have to pay for something you dont need.
John MH

Re: Practical Shotgun British Open 2013

#20 Post by John MH »

So would my Mil Qualification be recognised by the NRA as a qualifying competence for Target Shotgun?

Mute point I know as I already have the relevant SSC from my Club Chairman.
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