Re: A recent informal shooting locally
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:21 pm
Ha classic!anpol wrote:I couldn't, he was to bendy ;-).
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Ha classic!anpol wrote:I couldn't, he was to bendy ;-).
If you mean a lift, like a "get the hell out off the ambassy's roof quick!" lift, all the resources are already commited/deployed in the Black Sea area, so no heli lift for you, I'm afraid. However, I happened to be licensed to drive my 1.6l petrol engine powered, very short wheelbase, motorcart, and if you are willing to share the dubious pleasure of my company and negligible (in this context) cost of the petrol and coffe burned during a 100 miles bumpy journey, you could count yourself lucky, there are two seats free (the five seat option must remain optional untill the roof rack box becomes a reality). It still puzzles me how could anyone cosider going to these savage steppes to fire those noisy, smelly, clunky AKs, SKSs, Glauberyts and other euroasiatic pieces. If you were bringing with you a properly machined Vis or M 38 SR rifle it would be a diffrent metter... ;-)Demonic69 wrote:The flights are a bit rubbish to Lublin, how about a lift from Warsaw?