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Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:44 pm
by Mattnall
phaedra1106 wrote: you're not supposed to enter anything onto your own SGC or FAC.
Why not?
As the importer of several firearms for which I had authority to acquire on my FAC (I wasn't an RFD way back then), it was my responsibility (not customs nor anyone else) to enter it on to my FAC and inform the licensing department when the firearms arrived.
Can't see why you cannot do it yourself, just ask the FLO how they would like you to proceed licensing wise. Just be careful if you try to sell it, you may need to get it re-proofed first.
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:45 pm
by phaedra1106
The usual procedure would have been for Customs to enter the details on your FAC or get your FEO to do it, however things weren't always done that way if I recall correctly
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:18 pm
by Mattnall
It is not Custom's job, nor the job of the FEO, it is the job of the importer.
I have never seen anywhere in the various acts or even in the quidance that the FAC holder cannot write on his/her own FAC.
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:30 pm
by saddler
Les wrote:I've been waiting for 8 days to be 'validated', and despite several re-validation requests, the wait goes on. I'm beginning to wonder whether I actually want to become a subscriber now! :roll:
Send a PM to Blackstuff - he'll possibly sort out your issue
ETA: OOPS - my bad!! Thought you said "violated"...better not PM him, he hates to put his "Suthern Banjo Tooons" CD & not get some real luvin...from what Phaedra tells me at least
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:39 pm
by phaedra1106
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:47 am
by Blackstuff
Jeff you know Jon has a very active imagination. I think its from all that time he spend in the isolation cage in 'Nam
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:50 am
by SevenSixTwo
Seems to be so few target shotgun clubs around...
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:25 pm
by Sim G
Mattnall wrote:phaedra1106 wrote: you're not supposed to enter anything onto your own SGC or FAC.
Why not?
As the importer of several firearms for which I had authority to acquire on my FAC (I wasn't an RFD way back then), it was my responsibility (not customs nor anyone else) to enter it on to my FAC and inform the licensing department when the firearms arrived.
The Home Office Guidance on Firearms Law AND the notes as detailed on an FAC say different...
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:38 pm
by techguy
Sim, can you point me in the direction in the guidance, as I couldn't find it before. And Mr.R wants me to write my reloads on my ticket....
Re: S2 ---> Sect1 shotgun
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:46 pm
by saddler
techguy wrote:Sim, can you point me in the direction in the guidance, as I couldn't find it before. And Mr.R wants me to write my reloads on my ticket....
I'd be asking
"Mr.R" to put
HIS reasons for that request in writing, as it is not a requirement under the Firearms Acts nor is it in the Guidance to Police
As to writing on your own F.A.C., LOOK AT the guidance notes printed ON the F.A.C. itself
With mine I've only ever signed them, never written on them after importing stuff back with me from N.Z.
The F.A.C. gives you the authority to do stuff/own stuff...your notification of a slot being filled to the FEO is enough.
No need to write extra on the back