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Re: 45acp heads
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:42 am
by dodgyrog
majordisorder wrote:I shoot .45 ACP in my rifle.
I've used lead, copper plated & TFMJ bullets to good effect at ranges from 25 - 200 yards. For best shot-to-shot accuracy & consistency I shoot copper plated and TFMJ, if I want cheap(er) shooting I use lead.
If you are doing it right the lead alloy boolits will match the accuracy of a jacketed boolit - Dromia will be along to tell you that boolit fit is the key to good accuracy.
Re: 45acp heads
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:45 am
by dodgyrog
bradaz11 wrote:thanks, but im not looking for lead atm, as the gunsmith has said that they have leaded up quite badly on some others and to try to use FMJ's. but i can't use FMJ's at thorn, so i'm looking for something in between. i have also asked my FEO about semi jacketed rounds and he has said he will let me know. as he didnt seem to think they needed to be on my ticket....
but as said, i'll still need to find somewhere to source washed or plated heads if he says no, and if he says yes, somewhere to find semi jackets
hope thats a bit clearer
Lead alloy boolits do NOT lead up barrels unless the barrel is as rough as a badgers a**e or you are using the wrong size boolit and/or the wrong hardness of alloy.
Oh, and the boolit must be lubed with something decent.
What rifle are we talking about?
Re: 45acp heads
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:55 am
by dromia
Your gunsmith is not quiet accurate enough to explain the leading, it is cast boolits of the wrong size and and too hard an alloy that cause the leading not cast boolits in general.
The 45ACP is one of the best cast boolit friendly cartridges you can get and you will never get them going fast enough to worry about leading or accuracy so long as you have good boolit fit and a soft alloy.
Following your gunsmiths logic if you got a jacketed boolit that coppered badly and didn't shoot well would he recommend cast?
Heads is not the name for bullets why would you assume Kranks are the fountain of all shooting knowledge as opposed to other gunshops that don't call them heads.
I was told that the reason Kranks started calling them heads was because of the confusion caused by some customers referring to bullets as bullets and other customers calling cartridges bullets. Calling them bullets heads was and attempt to stop incorrect orders going out. Whilst it may help Kranks get their orders correct it doesn't make it the correct nomenclature, it is a recipe for confusion what is the difference between the case head and the bullet head?
Re: 45acp heads
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:56 am
by zanes
I'd be careful with "semi jacketed" bullets if they have an exposed lead tip- sound/look worryingly like "soft point" (expanding) bullets.
Re: 45acp heads
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:03 am
by jjvc
Copper washed bullets are available from Haendler & Natermann, Germany if you really need to go that route. ... ts/45.html
I personally shoot lead in my .45 Armalon with no problems.
Re: 45acp heads
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:11 am
by dromia
Re: 45acp heads
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:53 am
by Mattnall
Would you recommend Cast Boolits then?
Not sure but reading between the lines it seems you might.