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Re: Benelli M3 Super 90 - Mag extension?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:33 am
by Blackstuff
The three i've seen were all gunsmith custom jobs and one of the owners is an engineer that makes all kinds of stuff for himself, suggesting its a bit of a nightmare job :cry: (thats what put me off buying one). If you can hang on until 14th i'm shooting a comp in Carlisle and there is usually at least one of them there i could ask? (Please remind me closer to the time as my memory is s**t!)

Re: Benelli M3 Super 90 - Mag extension?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:28 pm
by phaedra1106
Thanks Mark, we'll be in Sunny Florida on the 14th recovering from blasting away with handguns and our friends Steyr 50cal :good:

There's no real rush, as you know I have difficulty even getting to PSG most of the time and I'm never going to be up in the top of the timings (usually bottom) it's just something I looked at doing, I still have the Sec.1 870 Wingmaster Deluxe so I could bring another extension tube back for that it's just the pumping action gives me problems with my dodgy shoulder. Basically I'm just dropping to bits a lot faster than I'd have liked!.

Wednesday morning and it's nine and a half hours crammed into a flying metal tube, even with extra legroom seats it's still a squeeze!. Add to that the meds for the IBS only lasting a few hours means trying to get 6' 5" of large hairy Geordie into an aircraft toilet designed for a 5' 2" Japanese stick insect :o it's not something I'm looking forward too!.