Crikey Riley.
At FDPC you will be taught Ruger 10/22, Marlin Underlever, Bolt Action Fullbore, Black Powder Pistol and PSG style Shotgun. In and around this you will be drilled on range safety, range orders, roles and responsibilities. We would expect you to demonstrate the correct drills for each firearm and then complete an online test. Basically we have tried to align our Probationary Course with the NRA's own but without the cost.
How happy would I be to find myself with a full member hat was a danger to himself and others as an RCO or competitor.
Have a stern word please!
Probationary Course - Training?
Moderator: dromia
Re: Probationary Course - Training?
Being a new member both here and at Penrhiwpal shooting club it is interesting to see how different each club's probationary period is. My introduction was to be taken through all aspects of safety and range etiquette prior to beginning my safety course which takes place over several visits to the club. The first session was air pistol followed by air rifle including both instruction and practice periods. The second session devoted to .22 rimfire rifles with the third and fourth sessions being on larger calibres after the second session I was allowed to shoot .22 rimfire guns belonging to the club without the need for constant supervision but with the knowledges that there was always someone about to keep an eye on me and available to answer any questions. Overall I have o say I have been pleased with the approach adopted by my club.
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