Mossberg 590 pump

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Re: Mossberg 590 pump

#11 Post by bofor »

Blackstuff wrote:If its the true 24" version it should already be threaded for chokes. If its the shrouded version it cannot be reamed to use multi-chokes, believe me, the two lads i know that have them have tried EVERY avenue!
Did they try Teague chokes ?, if they can`t be done why ?

Not doubting you, just want to know why they were told no.

If it comes to the dealer unchoked then I would have to barrel ? 500/ 535 version, or heavens forbid a Supernova :run:
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Re: Mossberg 590 pump

#12 Post by Brian838 »

saddler wrote:...and I'm still no further forward in importing some kosher 24" rifle sighted 590 barrels...from a US dealer: cost under $100 ea.
Give me a shout if you manage to find some, I'd bite your hand off for one at a reasonable price!

Re: Mossberg 590 pump

#13 Post by saddler »

Brian838 wrote:
saddler wrote:...and I'm still no further forward in importing some kosher 24" rifle sighted 590 barrels...from a US dealer: cost under $100 ea.
Give me a shout if you manage to find some, I'd bite your hand off for one at a reasonable price!
They're found.....just hitting logistical issues with regard to getting them in from the US

Re: Mossberg 590 pump

#14 Post by bofor »

saddler wrote:
Brian838 wrote:
saddler wrote:...and I'm still no further forward in importing some kosher 24" rifle sighted 590 barrels...from a US dealer: cost under $100 ea.
Give me a shout if you manage to find some, I'd bite your hand off for one at a reasonable price!
They're found.....just hitting logistical issues with regard to getting them in from the US
Are we talking Export or Import side of this
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Re: Mossberg 590 pump

#15 Post by Blackstuff »

saddler wrote:
Blackstuff wrote:If its the true 24" version it should already be threaded for chokes. If its the shrouded version it cannot be reamed to use multi-chokes, believe me, the two lads i know that have them have tried EVERY avenue!
Every avenue?
What about the old skool pre choke tube design of external adjustable choke?
I've got a proprietary Savage one, others were mafe by Lyman/Cutts.
Unit swages/brazes onto open cylinder barrel & adds a few inches to allows either dial adjustment for different choke or you change the fitted choke using a small tool....

Either option would be an easy job for an RFD (Gunsmith type) to fit in place of the metal conduit that Saddlery & Gunroom added to make the 20" barrel UK legal.
Should have qualified that with "every avenue that wouldn't result in the front of a gun looking like more of a dogs dinner than they already do" lol Techincally one could be fitted i suppose but its going to increase the length of the gun, which is far from desirable.
bofor wrote:
Blackstuff wrote:If its the true 24" version it should already be threaded for chokes. If its the shrouded version it cannot be reamed to use multi-chokes, believe me, the two lads i know that have them have tried EVERY avenue!
Did they try Teague chokes ?, if they can`t be done why ?

Not doubting you, just want to know why they were told no.

If it comes to the dealer unchoked then I would have to barrel ? 500/ 535 version, or heavens forbid a Supernova :run:
The 'shroud'/barrel extension is wider than the bore of the gun and is much thinner so there is not a lot/no material to work with. They (as would I) want a continuous width/profile barrel, rather than the 'trumpet' shape of the current ones. Removing the shroud to put 'something else' on also requires finding a gunsmith/RFD with S5 (ac) authority, and good luck with that!

A new barrel is the best way to go, but as can be seen from above, getting one over here, or rather getting one over here for a reasonable price is difficult. Hence the excitement when York Guns claimed they would be bringing some over next year.
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