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Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:13 pm
by shugie
Steve E wrote:
shugie wrote:How does the affiliate arrangement work, perhaps something I need to look into for one club I'm with?
Approach the club you want to affiliate with, pay the requisite affiliation fee(after talking to secretary/committee) and then take advantage of what that club has to offer. You may even be able to rent locker space to store firearms and ammunition to save from lugging them up and down the motorway, have use of somewhere nice and warm to have lunch, a few beverages, somewhere to clean rifles at the range instead of doing it at home, take advantage of any courses that the Club has to offer and most importantly socialise with shooters who may be National/Inter-National shots and gain much needed information on techniques etc.
Join/affiliate to a Bisley club if you shoot at Bisley. It makes sense.
Was thinking about that I was wandering over to get a bacon sarnie today, there seem quite a lot of clubs, but I've not got a clue as to which are good for a bunch of plinkers, and which would regard them as beneath contempt.

Anyone care to suggest a few of the least formal clubs I could approach? PM response if you prefer.

Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:36 pm
by BaconButty Might be of use to you. Not that close, but closer than Bisley. Should take about 1hr to get there from Newbury. Friendly members, club house with facilities and regular trips to Bisley.

Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:33 pm
by gunfighteruk

Bisley based with most members in Basingstoke/Andover/Alton areas.

Full club calenadar of Multigun ( 3 Gun Nation) 3/2Gun (12g/22) along with practical shotgun , Mini rifle & steel challenges, plus fun days for just plinking !

Club discounted Shooting trips to the USA & Europe.

Good selection of club guns inc S&W1522's all equiped with either Shield Mini sights or Trijicon scopes.

Looking for new members either old hands or new blood !

Full Home Office approved club with the bargain membership of £40 a year.

Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:18 pm
by shugie
gunfighteruk wrote:

Bisley based with most members in Basingstoke/Andover/Alton areas.

Full club calenadar of Multigun ( 3 Gun Nation) 3/2Gun (12g/22) along with practical shotgun , Mini rifle & steel challenges, plus fun days for just plinking !

Club discounted Shooting trips to the USA & Europe.

Good selection of club guns inc S&W1522's all equiped with either Shield Mini sights or Trijicon scopes.

Looking for new members either old hands or new blood !

Full Home Office approved club with the bargain membership of £40 a year.
Sounds interesting, especially if you can accommodate those of with only section 2 shotguns, hopefully I can get over to Bisley on the 5th, being a Saturday I'm not shooting with another club that day.

Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:38 am
by gunfighteruk
We have a sec 2 division in all events - multigun /psg

It's the only way for newer shooters to get in on the sport & it makes you reload a lot !

Any one is welcome on the 5th march to pop down to Butt Zero to see what's going on .

Tea & bacon baps available.

Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 7:30 am
by ChAoS
How about the ARPC?

Down the A34 and a right-turn onto the A303. :)



Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:38 am
by dromia
Gunfighter your negative post slagging off another club has been removed, you will have to do better than that if you are going to remain here.

Demeaning another club because it doesn't suit you is not acceptable.

You will need to tolerate a wide range of views on here, there are more ways than your way.

Your club seems, brash, arrogant and uninviting to me, you no doubt disagree but that is how your presentation of it comes over, however me posting that view doesn't help your club.

The beauty about clubs is their diversity so that they can meet all needs and styles you will have to learn to accept that here.

Recruiting club members is not a competition on Full-Bore UK.

One man's meat is another man's poison.

Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:26 pm
by gunfighteruk
Dromia myself & Chaos have been friends a long time it was all ment in jest as is the way of normal shooting banter - sorry if it upset you.
It wont happen again.

Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:30 pm
by dromia
If you are being in fun then I suggest that you acquaint yourself with the use of the emoticons.

Forums are very literal and people will only know what you say, not necessarily what you mean.

My view of your club, based only on what I have read here from you, was written for illustrative purposes.

The last sentence above is in reply to your comment on my view of your club which you have now edited out.

Re: Clubs around the Newbury (Berkshire) area

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:56 am
by ChAoS
dromia wrote:Gunfighter your negative post slagging off another club has been removed
Dang! I didn't even get to *see* the post... :)
gunfighteruk wrote:Dromia myself & Chaos have been friends a long time it was all ment in jest as is the way of normal shooting banter
G'day. Long time, no waffle.

I am, in fact, a member of the ARPC because - [fanfare of trumpets] - I now have *rifle* slots on m'FAC. So, I may very well be partaking in *multi*gun shoots, soon(ish).

Dromia: Thanks for your vigilance. Had I seen and responded to the post in question, it would've been obvious that us two are acquainted.

In fact when I took up shootin', it was GunFighterUK that invited me along to my first shoot - a local PSG meet. I've been PSGing ever since and have had a *huge* amount of fun. :)

