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Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:00 pm
by Individual
Triffid wrote: And while you're there, don't forget to pop into Fultons so they can ignore you, patronise you and over-charge you.

And Jenny's Alfresco Bistro is highly recommended.
Offering a fine selection of...erm ...bacon flavoured things.

Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:49 pm
by Alberto
Thanks for all the tips. I think we'll need some more bad weather gear. Hand warmers stand out as something I hadn't considered. Is there a favoured brand? I've found the intro doc and some others on the NRA web site.


Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:16 pm
by 1066
There are several types of handwarmers, each has it pros and cons.

Chemical use once type - cheap and work ok, don't get as hot or last as long as stated. Just open them and expose to air and they heat up quite quick, handy to keep a couple in your shooting bag as a backup. ... raziQFNVRQ

Liquid filled type - Just click a little metal activator to start them off. Work OK for a couple of hours, should be re-usable by slow boiling but a bit of a faff. ... ejA5KDtsxw

Charcoal burners - work ok but tend to smell a bit smoky and not always easy to get started. ... Sw54xUWlRL

Petrol with a catalyst activator - These are the ones I prefer. They come in various sizes, look like an old Zippo lighter ... SwmLlX8nn9 ... rkt%3D1%26

Very cheap from China.

There's also electric rechargeable ones but I've never tried them.

Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:00 pm
by Alberto
Thanks for the hand warmer links. The petrol hand warmer sounds interesting, if not entirely safe. :)

Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:35 pm
by Rockhopper
I have a Zippo one - its a catalytic thing so there is no flame. Oh by petrol we actually mean lighter fluid! Once you have got used to lighting the thing it works very well. I've just ordered a couple of the Chinese ones linked above as they are loads cheaper!

Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:16 pm
by hitchphil
this time of year walking boots & more socks or wellies & even more socks, waterproof trousers! hat you can wear ear defenders with , snacks / hot coffee flask, change of clothes! gloves any will do just keep hands warm. Hoodies are good, small binoculars to watch the targets a bit, golf brolly? Sightly controversial but many dont appreciate head to to camo & dressing like a walt, others seem to think its required, technically its good outdoor stuff however.

Look about - spot the safety signs & be range aware. dont stand about on the FPs or use them as a path, wear ear defs behind the FP esp son, dont shout to talk- others are concentrating so retire back to talk. Walk up & down & see what others do watch the practices & learn. If at different distances a rucksack of your crap is easy to carry but help carry the rest of the club kit too.

Do you wear glasses? if so avoid contacts take old glasses that can be bent to suit shooting.

Go into Fultons & say Hi we are new here as is the lad - can you tell us about a few of your guns on the rack day we might be buying one.... & smile - Fultons have been very good to many a shooter.

Have a wander about take ear defs & enter Mellvile & have a look.

Enjoy it :-)

Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:09 pm
by Alberto
Thanks Hitchphil that's helpful. We're going tomorrow. Probably not prepared for everything but it should be fun.

Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:59 pm
by knewmans
Cold, dry and a bit of wind. Should be good.

Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:47 pm
by Alberto
Looks good. :)

Re: First Bisley Trip

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:24 am
by bobbob
Bit late now but if you get really cold, the loos at Melville have heaters!!!! goodjob