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Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:30 pm
by TattooedGun
Thanks Robin128 :)
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:33 pm
by ovenpaa
Well F/TR is routinely shot to 1000 yards with occasional comps to 1200 and we routinely shoot .308 to 1200 at our club, in fact at Barton Road we only shoot 800/1000/1200 yards which is certainly possible on a warm day. My preference is 155 grain Scenar's however 185 Bergers work with a 1:12 and some of our club shooters and using 200gr+ SMK's. What length barrel does the Ranger have?
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:38 pm
by TattooedGun
I've just loaded 155gr HPBT scenars for use with my ranger... (the ones I havent shot yet).
its a 30" 1 in 13" twist with RPA Trakker rearsight and fultons adjustable foresight...
I've only ever actually shot full-bore twice (the bang got me hooked the first pull of the trigger)...
my club is full of fairly old people and none who are interested in F-class/F-TR - those that were left (or got kicked out depending on who you talk to).... and those that remain are not entirely friendly towards the scoped fraternity... although I'm trying to change that as its my local cluba nd well, I wan't to try all types of shooting...
I figure TR is a good place to start and find out how to shoot before i put a scope on a rifle and find out REALLY how to shoot...
if that makes sense?
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:52 pm
by ovenpaa
The Scenar's should be OK then and give a reasonable MV as well with a 30" barrel. Get a a'scope and bipod on it!
TattooedGun wrote:my club is full of fairly old people and none who are interested in F-class/F-TR - those that were left (or got kicked out depending on who you talk to).... and those that remain are not entirely friendly towards the scoped fraternity... although I'm trying to change that as its my local cluba nd well, I wan't to try all types of shooting...
I figure TR is a good place to start and find out how to shoot before i put a scope on a rifle and find out REALLY how to shoot...
if that makes sense?
I do agree TR will give a very good grounding and I can confirm the TR guys know how to shoot and having shot next to Rox of this forum at 1000 yards in foul conditions I am left with the impression they shoot rather well. BTW - Careful with the fairly old people bit! :lol: :lol:
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:06 pm
by TattooedGun
scope and bipod will have to wait!
expensive business this shooting malarky!
yeah, i do realise that there are not very many of us "young 'uns" in the sport... particularly less so in the TR discipline...
but I'd like to keep shooting it to try and keep the discipline alive!
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:08 pm
by Christel
Nice to hear.
A good and positive approach. Just what we need.
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:14 pm
by dromia
Far better that it withers on the vine to allow the breadth and diversity of shooting disciplines to blossom.
Too long have the representatives of this minority discipline, in the guise of a "national" rifle association, strangled and belittled the majority of enthusiasts of the gun and shooting. Let it die and shooting flourish, it can then be resurrected as an Historic discipline in the fullness of time to take its rightfull place in past history.
Lord Elcho is no doubt turning in his grave at what his children have become.
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:20 pm
by TattooedGun
I dunno, with regards to the NRA, I think they're doing something towards opening thier mind, and spreading thier horizons....
certainly at bisley from what I've seen its alot more open minded towards other aspects of the sport than whats filtered down at a club level and left people set in thier ways...
TR seems to me to be a staple of the shooting sports... Iron sights, even playing field (relatively - you still get huge spending and toys to accessorise, but its not like you have to outlay £3k+ on a scope to be as competetive as the next guy)...
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:34 pm
by dromia
TattooedGun wrote:I dunno, with regards to the NRA, I think they're doing something towards opening thier mind, and spreading thier horizons..
Unfortunately my friend when you have been in this game as long as I have and heard the same thing for so many years it has a hollow ring to it, many have engaged with the NRA to do just what you are suggesting but always run out of steam without effecting any change
TR seems to me to be a staple of the shooting sports... Iron sights, even playing field (relatively - you still get huge spending and toys to accessorise, but its not like you have to outlay £3k+ on a scope to be as competetive as the next guy)...
Try Historic, levelest of playing fields, pure test of shooting skill all can be had for well under £500.
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:48 pm
by TattooedGun
well, I'm young dumb and full of... optomism, so what can we expect :)
historic does seem like it would be a good way to go for a level playing field :)
Thanks for the tip :)