Extra tall gun safe

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Moderator: dromia


Re: Extra tall gun safe

#11 Post by swotty »

A friend did as mentioned above and used a hole saw to cut a hole in the top of the cabinet for the muzzle to poke through. The FEO was happy with this, so might be worth asking yours if he approves.
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Re: Extra tall gun safe

#12 Post by dromia »

ayoshak wrote:I like the one with bayonet :)

I have an Parker Hale 3 band Enfield which is 54" and a bit, I have to take all out to be able to wiggle that one diagonally out, pain in the .....
And some others are longer, Brown Bess at 58", Springfield and Pennsylvania at 56".
Why ask for 70", I saw one some time ago, one with removable shelves, should had a go at it. I was hoping somebody might know the maker.
Modern stuff is so much easier to handle.
Brattonsound have nothing longer than 5' in catalogue.
Westlanders are 1" taller, probably not enough.
Thanks for replies.
60" is 5'.

All the above guns would fit fine in a 5' internal cabinet, sans bayonets.

Come on Bambi get some

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