You need to be exceptionally careful when making comments based on a photograph I am afraid. You may well find that they had taken the shot but had not yet ejected the empty when the photo was taken.jimbo303 wrote: Scarily there were a number of pictures of this years Imperial posted on the NRA Facebook site showing shooters with closed bolts butt on the gound and muzzle pointing to someones garden in Lightwater ! Old habits most surely die hard for some....
There have been many cases where someone has taken a picture or a video, stuck it on social media and then carried out a closed board of enquiry, usually without the knowledge, permission, or right to reply of the accused being taken into account. In most cases the "Case against" is based purely on prejudice and perception rather than actual facts, or their slightly eroneous interpretation of the Bisley Bible from 1936 . GDPR needs to be considered because although nearly everyone carries cameras these days, it pays to ask those you are photographing BEFORE you do so. At Bisley there are things that go on that you may not agree with, but there is a 99.9% chance that if they are part of an NRA match, and everyone is doing it, its likley to be well within the rules.....But still they try. It is worth noting that the NRA media chap always asks BEFORE he takes images and puts them on line. When posted on facebook soem of the comments (which I hope to god are not other shooters) beggar belief at times.
I shoot CSR and we get accused to anything from witch craft to eating babies. Thakfully it is all total cack, sadly it is mostly borne of ignorance of other disicplines or prejudices born out and fueled from inside other disciplines, usually by crusty old club secs who quite simply dont like something and believe it should be illegal therefore it is. Hardly a month goes by without some sort of "Police" either directly confronting another shooter about some imagined act of herasy, radioing range control (where they are generally told to wind it in), or worse taking pictures with the intent of trying to have some sort of "Told you they eat babies" type of closed court martial.
Caught one this weekend as it goes so after finding out what they photographs were for I suggested a better course was to speak to the RO and CD, who just happened to be the director of shooting division. The outcome was positive for the match shooters under scrutiny
These sort of things need dealing with AT THE TIME, otherwise you are no better than the person accused, in that you saw a problem and did nothing but photograph it. There are ways and means to approch and deal with these things but this is neither fair or conducive to inter discipline good relations.
Either way, I had a great and safe weekend this weekend, we usually got a spare baby they dont want