My new CZ527 some questions

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Re: My new CZ527 some questions

#11 Post by BooBoo »

Planning ahead... well the Sportsman GC had 24% off, so it made absolute sense to buy at that time...

I have shot Hornady training and both 69 and 77 smk through my 1 in 9... and they all shoot really well. The latter especially so and well sub moa as you might expect. Even the steel stuff is 1"

You only have to read the US forums to see how people rave about both calibers. To get less than 1" with Tula in the x39 is pretty amazing, as the same stuff in an AK is saucer material.

I'll try and upload a piccie in due course.

Re: My new CZ527 some questions

#12 Post by Alberto »

Interesting that it shoots 77gr so well. I wasn’t expecting the sweet spot to be quite that high. I’ll have to get some heavier bullets to try.

You did well with the 24% off, the price went up a lot between my first looking and making the purchase.

Love to see a picture.
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