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Re: Just a few first time FAC Questions

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 7:38 pm
by Blair_Mc
Thanks everyone for your help. That's my application sent so now the waiting begins.

Re: Just a few first time FAC Questions

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 2:00 am
by Blair_Mc
So had a call yesterday from the Falkirk Firearms folk to arrange a visit for Monday, moving along quicker than I thought. I was told they didn't have my medical questionnaire back from the GP. Turns out the GP didn't fill it all in and put it back in the post the previous evening. My GP didn't charge me so I'm not going to grumble :)

Seems I'm going to be looking at 500 rounds and if I can prove I need more after 6 months then I can put in a variation. I was asked about what actions I wanted but I've a fair idea of what I want now so no big deal. Barely even mentioned the shotgun though which reminds me I need to book a lesson to shoot some clays.

Re: Just a few first time FAC Questions

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:12 am
by IainWR
Too late for this application, but can I make a plea not to use "Health & Safety" as a reason for having a moderator. It is simply inviting some jobsworth to seek to make them compulsory.

Re: Just a few first time FAC Questions

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:17 pm
by Blair_Mc
So what other advantages are there in using a moderator that are good enough to be accepted on a target shooters fire arms application? I heard (but haven't confirmed) they can give a gain to accuracy but surely I could be told to practice more by the Police and be turned down for one?

Re: Just a few first time FAC Questions

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:43 pm
by Mattnall
Blair_Mc wrote:So what other advantages are there in using a moderator that are good enough to be accepted on a target shooters fire arms application?
Environmental, does not affect the neighbours so much.
Our range allows full bore shooting on one Sunday of the month and only if moderated, on the other Sundays. This is since the new estates have been, and still are being, built all around the range.

Re: Just a few first time FAC Questions

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:07 pm
by Blair_Mc
My club range is small bore and inside, you really can't hear anything but quiet "pops" outside so the wider environment wouldn't be effected. As it turned out the moderators weren't mentioned or if they were it was in passing and I missed it.

My biggest problem now is the GP form going awol. During the call to arrange my visit I was told the the Firearms department didn't have it. I called my GP practice and they said it had been sent back as incomplete but they had sorted it and sent it off that same day; four days before my visit. It still hadn't arrived by my visit. Looking back I'm over the 21 days the GP is given to respond but thinking I'll chase them up again tomorrow then see how the FEO wants to proceed.

I'm really not wanting to change GP because they can't put a letter in the post or have the good sense to email it for free.

Re: Just a few first time FAC Questions

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 3:31 pm
by Pippin89
Blair_Mc wrote: I'm really not wanting to change GP because they can't put a letter in the post or have the good sense to email it for free.
Someone correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the firearms guidelines state that an applicant shouldn't be negatively impacted by a GP's refusal to fill in the form? So you should actually get issued the certs if the doctor doesn't return the form???

How is your application going anyway??

Re: Just a few first time FAC Questions

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 2:19 pm
by Blair_Mc
Hi Pippin89,

I got my FAC and shotgun and now have a Kriss Defiance. There is a difference between the guidelines and what the Police actually do in practice. I mentioned that I had put in the questionnaire to my GP over the length of time suggested to wait and the person I spoke to ignored me. Eventually had to give the GP practice permission to email it to the firearms department and even then they emailed an incomplete form lol. Had them do it again for me and it all got sorted.