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Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:49 pm
by dromia
What RDC said, shame you can't/won't see it.

Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:56 pm
by bradaz11
all my ranges are open, I've just got back from a cowboy comp at the weekend. I won't bother posting the vids

Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:27 am
by dromia
Aw go on Cowboy competitions are one of the few shooting events I enjoy watching.

Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:40 am
by DaveB
Talk about one law for us and one law for the rest, yesterday a photo appeared of a our glorious Prime Minister Adern taking a selfie with dozens of adoring fans crowded around her, on a day when we were still in Level 2 for COVID which demands that we stay 2 metres apart from one another for the safety of us all. Great example there Jacinda.

Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 12:42 pm
by Pete
I thought she'd single-handedly cracked C-19 as far as the Kiwis are concerned..............


Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:49 pm
by Sandgroper
I posted this previously but thought it worth highlighting again...

From ... nd-cant-do

3.16 Can I still participate in sport and physical activity in groups of more than 6?
You can continue to take part in organised sporting or licensed physical activity in groups of more than 6. This can be in any public place – indoors or outdoors – or a private outdoor space like a garden; but not inside a private home. These activities either need to be organised by a club, business or charity; and/or involve someone who has received an official license to use equipment relevant to the activity. In all cases, the organiser must conduct a risk assessment and ensure compliance with COVID-19 Secure guidance.

You should only be playing team sports where the relevant governing body has published guidance on how to do so safely. Organised dance and exercise classes can take place in groups of more than six, where a risk assessment has been carried out, but you should limit your social interaction with other participants.

The list of organised sport or licensed outdoor physical activity that you can do in groups of more than six includes:

Baseball / Softball
Canoeing / Kayaking
Dragon Boat Racing
Gaelic Sports
Hunting - some forms
Ice Hockey
Roller Sports
Rugby League
Rugby Union
Shooting (including hunting and paintball that requires a shotgun or firearms certificate license)
Ultimate Frisbee
Other sports or licensed outdoor physical activities may also be permitted where their governing body has published guidance.

All supervised activities for children, including sports and exercise groups, are permitted where a risk assessment has been carried out – up to any number of participants.

When participating in organised sport or licensed physical activity, you must not gather in groups of more than 6 before and after the activity. You must also ensure you socially distance from people you do not live with (or have formed a support bubble with) wherever possible.

When playing sports informally with people you don’t live with, you must limit the size of your group to 6. It is illegal to do so in a larger group and you may be fined.

Re: One law for them and one for the rest of us

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:03 pm
by DaveB
Pete wrote:I thought she'd single-handedly cracked C-19 as far as the Kiwis are concerned..............

Yes, apparently so. I am sure that according to some she also walks on water, heals the sick and raises the dead! What she doesn't do, is follow her own rules.