I was told same thing by a bunch of my friends from there in West Germany.Ovenpaa wrote:I worked with a chap from the other side of the wall many years ago. He always maintained it was actually OK on the Eastern side and he and his family struggled with many things including the disparity in wages when the wall came down.
People going from 3rd world to 1st world overnight, one hard transition.
From tightly controlled to anything goes in the west.
We left around 1986 not been back since.
When we travel now, must admit, I like warm and dry, central Europe is neither of those things.
We have a trip planned in April, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, maybe Lebanon, depending on how bad they are shooting at one another.
I worked all down through there, military, but mama has never seen it.
If I can work it, would love to stop off on way home, and see the Imperial War Museums for a few days.
Also Biggin Hill.
My dad made a hard landing there once, said everyone was real nice, except for the RSM who only wanted to know who was supposed to clean up the mess he'd just made.