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Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:50 pm
by Christel
As mentioned, I will wait, there are too many questions unanswered.

Male, female, age, white, black, have one had the virus, not, will it be once a year or twice a year?

I think Van Tam has a point when he says the virus is here to stay and so are masks and anti gel/wash hands. Keep your distance.

Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 9:11 pm
by Alpha1
I fear the worst about the temperature thing if our experience is anything to go by. We have the opposite problem we order Formaldehyde two pallet loads in 25ltr plastic kegs it has to be kept warm otherwise it goes cloudy and drops out and can not be used. We stipulate that it has to be in a heated truck and in a separate compartment from the driver. Because it's wicked stuff that will choke you burn your eyes make them stream with water and generally make you very unwell. We have had drivers turn up in unheated transit vans after driving for four hours with the pallets behind their seats. With the van's heater on to try and maintain the temperature. When we tackle the supplier they blame the transport company.

Yes I will have the vaccine.

Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:09 pm
by channel12
I have read that the Ebola vaccine also has to stored and transported at a super low temperature but distributing it in Africa hasn't ben a problem. I wonder how many Africans are refusing the Ebola vaccine when it's offered to them?

On a slightly different point it has been said the reason the EU hasn't approved the covid vaccine yet is the European Medicines Agency has some staffing difficulties. When the EU moved the EMA out of London the majority of the employees preferred to stay and now work for the UK's equivalent agency.

Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:15 am
by Pippin89
dromia wrote:Well its supposed to be ready for roll out so whose up for it?

I'm in two minds as to its safety, not because of any conspiracy theories but because this governments complete ineptitude and failure on everything they have done during this pandemic so if boris the bastard or han the cock says I should do something then that is sufficient reason not to do it.

I have never had it adequately explained to me how the trial period of years if not to decades are needed to approve a vaccine this one has all of a sudden been telescoped into less than a year, that seems very dubious to me.
Not all vaccines take years of development. The seasonal flu jab is different every year and is made, tested and validated in about 3 months.
Plus as RDC said with a global effort and combined resources, and combined test data from multiple entities it is easy to scale it down. It is not like any other vaccine where companies are competing against each other. They are talking to each other and sharing information.

As for those saying they will wait 6 months and see how it goes... you will be absolutely fundamental in ensuring the failure of the vaccine effort. As has been reported, immunity lasts roughly 3 months. The only way the vaccine works is if the majority of people gain immunity within this period and leave the virus no where to go to spread. With people waiting longer than this, it will slow it down, but will just start an endless cycle of people passing it to those who's immunities have faded.

You absolutely must, in this instance, put your faith in the incredibly smart virologists and microbiologists at the pharmaceutical companies who are developing these vaccines. Its not like you buy a car and ask someone else to drive it first to make sure the engineer who designed their brakes knew what they were doing do you?...

Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:21 am
by Christel

I am shielding, leaves no way in for the virus. Been like this since is all started.

I do agree with your post though - which would apply to people who are not shielding.

About the three months...does that mean in reality we need injecting every three months as long as the virus is here which I believe it will be?

Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:50 am
by dromia
Pippin89 wrote:
dromia wrote:Well its supposed to be ready for roll out so whose up for it?

I'm in two minds as to its safety, not because of any conspiracy theories but because this governments complete ineptitude and failure on everything they have done during this pandemic so if boris the bastard or han the cock says I should do something then that is sufficient reason not to do it.

I have never had it adequately explained to me how the trial period of years if not to decades are needed to approve a vaccine this one has all of a sudden been telescoped into less than a year, that seems very dubious to me.
Not all vaccines take years of development. The seasonal flu jab is different every year and is made, tested and validated in about 3 months.
Plus as RDC said with a global effort and combined resources, and combined test data from multiple entities it is easy to scale it down. It is not like any other vaccine where companies are competing against each other. They are talking to each other and sharing information.

As for those saying they will wait 6 months and see how it goes... you will be absolutely fundamental in ensuring the failure of the vaccine effort. As has been reported, immunity lasts roughly 3 months. The only way the vaccine works is if the majority of people gain immunity within this period and leave the virus no where to go to spread. With people waiting longer than this, it will slow it down, but will just start an endless cycle of people passing it to those who's immunities have faded.

You absolutely must, in this instance, put your faith in the incredibly smart virologists and microbiologists at the pharmaceutical companies who are developing these vaccines. Its not like you buy a car and ask someone else to drive it first to make sure the engineer who designed their brakes knew what they were doing do you?...
The car analogy is apples and oranges so irrelevant. Any way I do usually get someone else to test drive a potential new to me car purchase.

Whilst I may trust some scientists I certainly don't trust their avaricious capitalist companies and shareholders just as I don't trust this government not have illegally and irresponsibly leveraged the rapidity of delivery by cutting corners and changing process dangerously. Boris the bastard is only capable of thinking about today and will say and do anything to get himself of his political hook at any given point in time.

If it only has three month efficacy then 'twill never work as boris the bastard and his private company bum boys will never manage to get the thing done in that time scale, just look at the criminal debacle that is the test track and trace system.

The more i read this regurgitated propaganda the less likely I am to get the jab.

This corrupt, lying incompetent government has used up any remaining vestiges of trust that I may have had in this country, its institutions and its people, I have never had any trust in private companies.

Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:57 am
by bradaz11
Ovenpaa wrote:Of course I will have the vaccine, if only for the sake of the others around me as much as my own. My problem is quite which vaccine I might be offered...
i'm hoping for the one without Shiva in it.

Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:54 am
by RDC
In that case, Dromia, nothing could convince you to have the vaccine simply because it's been approved by the UK government.

These vaccines aren't being developed on the behalf of Boris, two of the three aren't even being developed in this country. The same vaccine would be developed by the same people regardless of who UK government is.

Re: Covid 10 vaccine.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:10 am
by Les
I have no problem with being vaccinated, but the Pfizer vaccine sounds very fragile. The temperature/storage/refrigeration requirements don't fill me with enough confidence to think that it's viable. I'll wait for the home-grown vaccine.

Re: Covid 19 vaccine.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:19 am
by Blackstuff
Given that the Independent (i know) is reporting that the UK government has granted Pfizer immunity from any legal action relating to their vaccine I won't be touching it with a ten foot pole for at least a year. :run:

However, given the roll out plan it'll be on version 5 by the time i'm eligible anyway. teanews I'd be nervous if i was in the first/guinea pig batch though! :bad: