Re: Recommendations for a first rifle
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 2:05 pm
Hi Rsh,
I'm new to all this also and will be moving to near a club in the near future :-)
I'm planning on starting with .22LR to (hopefully) develop some skill, but have been doing a lot of reading up also. Especially as I've been 'busy' convalescing.
I have bookmarked a few articles to gather info ref first choice of Full-bore rifle.
This generic one may be of interest.
Please take the following with a huge pinch (shovel full) of salt which i know is extremely dangerous as I have no practical experience yet. I'll post this here in case it is of use as it is what I have gleamed from others. I'm sure others can more correctly confirm what I think is likely to be the case.
All the other 'Suggest first rifle for XXXX' posts I have bookmarked seem to state which distance they are to be used at. E.g. Please suggest a rifle / calibre for 300-600 yds, or for 1000 yds etc.
I have (I think)a couple of useful bookmarks depending on what distance you decide on.
So as well as the recommended sfind out what you like the feel of and which disciplines appeal, also work out which ranges distances you may have access to or are most likely to spend your time at. If it is < 600 yds or > 1000 yds this may well heavily influence your decision.
Hope that helps and apologies to all from a beginner who stands to be corrected.
Let us know how you get on.
I'm new to all this also and will be moving to near a club in the near future :-)
I'm planning on starting with .22LR to (hopefully) develop some skill, but have been doing a lot of reading up also. Especially as I've been 'busy' convalescing.
I have bookmarked a few articles to gather info ref first choice of Full-bore rifle.
This generic one may be of interest.
Please take the following with a huge pinch (shovel full) of salt which i know is extremely dangerous as I have no practical experience yet. I'll post this here in case it is of use as it is what I have gleamed from others. I'm sure others can more correctly confirm what I think is likely to be the case.
All the other 'Suggest first rifle for XXXX' posts I have bookmarked seem to state which distance they are to be used at. E.g. Please suggest a rifle / calibre for 300-600 yds, or for 1000 yds etc.
I have (I think)a couple of useful bookmarks depending on what distance you decide on.
So as well as the recommended sfind out what you like the feel of and which disciplines appeal, also work out which ranges distances you may have access to or are most likely to spend your time at. If it is < 600 yds or > 1000 yds this may well heavily influence your decision.
Hope that helps and apologies to all from a beginner who stands to be corrected.
Let us know how you get on.