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I tend to take a different perspective on these things. I don't live near Bisley so I get little personal advantange from being a member. However shooting needs a coordinated voice that can argue our case with the politicians and with the MoD. For that reason alone I'm happy to stump up my money for the NRA. If I were a game shooter the BASC would be just as good.
I do the same with my fishing, putting my money into the Angling Trust when it gives me little personal benefit but fights for clean rivers for all.
Sadly this approach means that organisations like the NRA or the AT tend to have very few members.....
I wholeheartedly agree that shooter should support some sort of collective organisation, sadly none are national and the plethora of "national" organisations devalues any influence we may have round table with government.
The SA goes to all the national meetings and feeds in as does the HBSA of which I am also a member and will continue to be as supports my interest in collecting.
NATSS was a step in right direction but sadly vested interest meant that it became another stain on shooting and a total waste of Sports Council money.
Come on Bambi get some
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Watcher wrote:...shooting needs a coordinated voice that can argue our case with the politicians and with the MoD. For that reason alone I'm happy to stump up my money for the NRA.
Where was the NRA when we lost our SLRs and handguns?
That was why Albie Fox started the Sportmans Association because of the lack of support from the other national bodies for pistol shooting. There was the NPA but its chairman did a bunk just as soon as Dunblane happened, obviously his career and ego was more important than sport and his integrity. I see Lording It Coe hasn't changed, still shafting shooters through the olympics. :evil:
Come on Bambi get some
Imperial Good Metric Bad
Analogue Good Digital Bad
Another for BASC - Ive been a member of most and had a seat on the board of one for a few years (But couldnt turn a blind eye to what was going on - made waves and was made not welcome as a result - I like to speak my mind!!!!)
BASC are always helpful and friendly, if a little over priced (I have trade membership, so get a really good deal) worth it for the insurance and legal advice alone.
dromia wrote:I wholeheartedly agree that shooter should support some sort of collective organisation, sadly none are national and the plethora of "national" organisations devalues any influence we may have round table with government.
But BASC is the closest thing to a national organisation and they were the only publically visible shooter organisation that stuck their heads above the parapets after the Cumbrian shootings. In fact, in imho i think they had a direct influence in getting the HAC to (seeminly) listening to shooters aswell as the knee-jerk hand-wringers
BASC is also not only for game shooters (although that is their 'speciality') and offer one of the few insurance policies that covers practical shooting
Watcher wrote:...shooting needs a coordinated voice that can argue our case with the politicians and with the MoD. For that reason alone I'm happy to stump up my money for the NRA.
Where was the NRA when we lost our SLRs and handguns?
Do you think they gave a toss for us?
Sadly there was nothing anyone could have done in those circumstances.
I strongly believe that you have to pick an organisation and get involved. The ideal must be a single body and that is what angling is trying to do with the Angling Trust. It's what we need to do in shooting and I for one look forward to a single body one day.
Even though I will be virtually giving up any sort of field shooting - I'm staying with BASC as the help and service I've recieved from them has been first class.
“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.”
I agree, neither a single or combination of organisations was going to keep S/A's. More to the point did we really need them? I am yet to shoot a truly accurate S/A from the 1970/80's and the vast majority of the more modern stuff I have handled has failed to impress me, the exception being the occasional heavier barrelled weapons such as the LSW which I must admit surprised me.
Better top move forward and look for strength in unity. The NRA have certainly recognised their internal issues and are doing their utmost to remedy them, you just have to read Dr Robin Pizer's comments at the last AGM to see that and I for one found it quite refreshing to read that the issues are being identified and dealt with. As a shooting minority we do not have a snowballs chance in hell of having our side of things listened to.
Disappointingly neither the national shooting organisations or even the shooters are showing any sign of unity although I did read the NRA and NSC are going to be under a common management team.
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