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Re: 6.5x55 Tikka M55 throating reamer
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:22 am
by Alpha1
I was hoping to throat it last week end but other stuff got in the way. I definitely wont be going at it heavy handed I only want to have to do this once.
I was asked to have a look at a T4 with a safety catch issue and a black powder rifle that the Guy is having an issue with. So got tied up in that.
In the mean time I am still trying to modify pressure pots and vacuum pots for my Son and his other halves business venture that is doing great.
I also promised to machine/turn some stuff to go to the USA.(Nothing to do with guns or shooting.) (A mistake but I am committed now.) But it pays well.
Re: 6.5x55 Tikka M55 throating reamer
Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:53 pm
by Alpha1
I have purchased a WR Tikka M55 single round loading block. The block will replace the factory .308 magazine so I don,t have to rely on hand loading to fit the .308 magazine. I hopefully will be able to single load the 6.5x55
hand loads to any Cartridge over all length I choose.
Re: 6.5x55 Tikka M55 throating reamer
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:45 pm
by Alpha1
The loading block arrived and fits perfectly in the .308 mag well. I am still not sure its going to work with the 6.5x55 rounds I need to try and chamber some dummy rounds made up to my desired cartridge over all lengths. I need to get it on the range. The plan is to shoot it in 2023. Then May be re barrel for 2024 perhaps in one of the 6.5 Calibers. The plan for 2023 is to down size my Collection and only keep the Calibers I actually shoot and that may change if the lead ban gets passed. I have rifles I only shoot with cast lead bullets. But we will see its all a learning curve.
Re: 6.5x55 Tikka M55 throating reamer
Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:48 pm
by Alpha1
The rifle is sorted and ready for my 2023 full bore shoots I have a outing this month looking forward to getting it on the firing point.
Re: 6.5x55 Tikka M55 throating reamer
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:27 am
by Alpha1
The rifle is fitted with a new scope mount and a new scope purchased for the 2023 outings. Its been fitted with a Shooting Shed front rest bipod thingy they are not actually bipods but I can not remember what they call them. I have a rear bag and lots of reloads based on my new Catridge acheivable over all lenthgs.
I am looking forward to finally puting an end to this sceanario. Next year it wil be re barreled regardless. Or disposed of I will keep the action.
Re: 6.5x55 Tikka M55 throating reamer
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:02 pm
by Alpha1
Still playing with it.
Re: 6.5x55 Tikka M55 throating reamer
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:42 pm
by Graham M
You'll go blind
Re: 6.5x55 Tikka M55 throating reamer
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:14 pm
by Alpha1
I am all ready blind in one eye actually thats not stricktly true I have very little vision in my left eye I can not recognise faces every thing is just a blare even with glasses. Luckily its not my dominant eye. But the dominant eye is not 100% either.
So iron sights are finished done. I am slowly selling stuff off. I am keeping the the scoped jobbies for now. But to be honest shooting is way down on my list of hobbies now a days. I have resigned as Club secretaey of my main Club. I have quit the Committee of my other Club. I have loads of other stuff going on that I need to explore further. I need to sort out my new work shop and get all the machines in.
And as a bonus I can get paid for my other hobbies.
I also have a spanking new .308 barrel blank that if I ever get around to will return this rifle back to its original .308 caliber.
But thats for next year this year is just to busy.