Hello from Ipswich

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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#11 Post by Shpagin »

Itskeith wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 1:07 pm

PS. Good intro.
Really? Thanks very much shakeshout

AL8 wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:58 pm Hi Shpagin, muzzle loading can be addictive
I am sure you are right. But a mate of mine says the smell of it turns his stomach. I have no idea what it smells like yet! I just know that the whole loading ritual and the connection with the past will all appeal.
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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#12 Post by dromia »


We are civilian recreational shooters we use firearms/Guns/ Shotguns etc. We do not use weapons.

Weapons imply an intent to do harm to other people which responsible legal shooters have no intention of doing.

The HO/police/and all anti gun lobbies use the word to further demonise firearms and their legal owners in the mind of the public.

As legal gun owners we should not contribute to their agenda and using their wrong language is doing just that.

As a responsible gun owner I take exception to people inferring that my firearms are owned by me as weapons with the intent to do harm.

So please desist from furthering the anti gun agenda on here or you time here will be limited!

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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#13 Post by Shpagin »

To be fair, I didn't use the word weapons first, and when Rookandrabbit used it he was talking about my time in the Territorial Army, when all the guns were indeed weapons. I understand your point and have no wish to speak out of turn, but sensible, civilised people recognise that soldiers are using firearms responsibly and appropriately and I doubt if anyone reading this would think that reference to the army implied an intention to use civilian guns inappropriately.
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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#14 Post by dromia »

Unfortunately when it comes to firearms legislation we are dealing with people who are far from sensible or even civilised.

It is not just legal firearms owners that peruse forums such as these, the police do and anyone else can.

The military can call things whatever they want and weapon in their context is entire ly appropriate- for them- however unless you are still serving then it is totally inappropriate and for many people the difference isn't obvious anyway. Weapons kill and maim, people see guns as weapons but don't see hammers as such or even the humble kitchen knife or some sash cord as weapons but when used with the intent to do harm they are indeed weapons

Murderers use weapons.

All is not well in the world of legal firearms ownership and we are under attack from within as well as existentially.

As legal firearms owners we all need to be very circumspect in what we do and say.

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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#15 Post by Shpagin »

I can't speak for Rookandrabbit, but my guess is that he used the word only because I included the anti-tank thing when describing what I had used, and that doesn't really count as a gun - more like a bazooka.

I don't find your criticism altogether friendly, which seems unfortunate, not only because I am new here, but because I think we are on the same side anyway.

I completely understand your sensitivity on the whole issue, but I am absolutely certain that nobody, whatever their position on guns, would read my introduction and infer that this old man, looking way back to his boyhood introduction to guns, had any intention of using them for anything but sport.
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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#16 Post by dromia »

Some may see your naïvety as charming but in this context it is dangerous.

I can assure you that our anti gun alliance will see things through their twisted and bigoted view, including your nostalgia spin, on their terms and not as you intend.

Same side? I do hope so, but you will need to be more forethoughtfull in your posts to convince me of that.

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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#17 Post by Shpagin »

When I read the rules it seemed pretty clear that as long as I refrained from being offensive and respected people's privacy and didn't spam, I could say pretty much anything I wanted. I have read a lot of the forum and people do seem to be very free with their views (and lots, it seems to me, sail pretty close to the wind when it comes to being offensive - but it is a free country and I am not stressed).

I think we are on the same side in wanting to be free to shoot, but I don't think I should have to convince you of my bona fides. I am offended by your having taken against me, when it must be obvious to anyone that I mean no harm. But if what I have said is harmful, couldn't you just edit out the offending word in this thread, substituting the word guns? It would still say what I'd meant. And again, please note, you are having a go at me, the new guy, when it was not me who used the word first anyway, which doesn't seem friendly on this "welcome" thread, especially.

I am here to enjoy talking with fellow enthusiasts about something we all enjoy; I am new to this, so I want to learn from you all and I want to make friends. I am not here to offend or to undermine the sport.
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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#18 Post by dromia »

Your choice to see your self as a victim.

The inappropriateness of using the word "weapons" applies to all legal gun owners who use it and not just you.

You will have no doubt seen other similar veined discussions on here.

I am correcting you in your mis-use of language, which is actually very important in learning the process of shooting as well as a political necessity in the current anti-gun climate. Especially on an open forum which is constantly scoured by bots.

You will either heed my correction or not, your choice will no doubt become apparent as time goes by.

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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#19 Post by Shpagin »

You are very heavy-handed, but I am nobody's victim.
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Re: Hello from Ipswich

#20 Post by dromia »

Aye well talk about everything but your mis-use of language to avoid the issue.

This isn't about me it is about your inappropriate use of language, New to shooting, I appreciate your ignorance which I have tried to help correct.

Obviously taking heed of well meant advice is not in your makeup and I have had enough of your evasive, shape shifting slaver.

So thread locked!

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