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Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:39 am
by John25
That's a
long way in a camper van!
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:12 pm
by johngarnett
Hi John
I can offer a shoot on Bodmin Moor this weekend 3,5,&6. with best company a guy could ask for. (Excluding my dogs of course) All for £15!!
BUT, please refer to my 'Shooting in the Rain' thread first!!!
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:56 pm
by John25
Thanks for the invitation, sadly, can't make it. Shooting PSG at Harlow on Friday and making smoke at Bisley on Saturday (and chewing the cud with other FB's) and clays on Sunday.
Hope it doesn't rain too much.
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:10 pm
by bobbob
John25 wrote:That's a
long way in a camper van!
Not if you start in Melbourne and work your way up
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:45 am
by John25
One day, six hours to go.
Bacon and egg sarnie beside me
Thinks :roll:
What Shall I be doing on Friday?
What shall I be doing on Friday?
It’s been running through my head
Shall I go shooting a rifle?
Shall I even get out of my bed?
What shall I be doing on Friday?
Decisions have to be made
Shall I just chill with a tea-cup?
Or do jobs which have years been delayed?
What shall I be doing on Friday?
And, knowing I have a new gun
Shall I just buy a tub of black powder?
And have shed-loads, and shed-loads of fun?
What shall I be doing on Friday?
She has written a list I would bet
Cooking and washing, domestics
She hasn’t presented it yet.
What shall I be doing on Friday?
When I think of ex-colleagues at work
Shall I visit the office and dither
Make faces, be rude and just shirk?
Oh, what shall I be doing on Friday?
It really is anyone’s call
So I think I’ll postpone the decision
And end up, just doing, sod all.
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:06 pm
by ovenpaa
John25 wrote:What Shall I be doing on Friday?
What shall I be doing on Friday?
It’s been running through my head
Shall I go shooting a rifle?
Shall I even get out of my bed?
What shall I be doing on Friday?
Decisions have to be made
Shall I just chill with a tea-cup?
Or do jobs which have years been delayed?
What shall I be doing on Friday?
And, knowing I have a new gun
Shall I just buy a tub of black powder?
And have shed-loads, and shed-loads of fun?
What shall I be doing on Friday?
She has written a list I would bet
Cooking and washing, domestics
She hasn’t presented it yet.
What shall I be doing on Friday?
When I think of ex-colleagues at work
Shall I visit the office and dither
Make faces, be rude and just shirk?
Oh, what shall I be doing on Friday?
It really is anyone’s call
So I think I’ll postpone the decision
And end up, just doing, sod all.
Very good indeed, I may well have to borrow that at some point
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:13 pm
by bobbob
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:17 pm
by John25
As you can probably tell, I'm still bored in the Range Office, so I penned that one this morning.
Still being bored this afternoon:-
When Work is Just a Memory
When work is just a memory
And chores is a request*
I’ll only do what’s necessary
And sod the blooming rest
When work is just a memory
And the watch goes on the shelf
And I only work for ‘er indoors
And a little for myself
When work is just a memory
And I switch off the alarm
And I’m late for an appointment
It won’t do financial harm
When work is just a memory
And I’m thinking just of fun
She will turf me out of bed, I know
Listing jobs which must be done
When work is just a memory
And pirspiration feels quite strange
I shall spend more time reloading
And sending lead downrange
When work is just a memory
And I only have one boss
I shan’t have to keep a deadline
Or have to give a toss!
*as in:- what chores - mine's a pint!
Feel free to use in any way you like, it's not exactly Pulitzer stuff :lol:
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:43 pm
by ovenpaa
Another good one, do you write these yourself John?
Re: Target Leech
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:12 pm
by John25
It's a knack I 'discovered' whislt I was in the Navy.
As a flight deck officer in a frigate with a wasp, I had to be on the flight deck whilst the a/c was airborne.
I can write something silly like that when I get 'inspiration' but I have difficulty writing to order although I do get requests to put a ditty in a birthday card or something.
Usually, when I'm bored but forced to be somewhere, like now, it pops out.
I don't edit, change or re-do. Once it's done that's it and, luckily I don't have to think too hard.
Heather won't thank me for this, but I wrote this in the last few moments
I Remember
I remember when I emailed you
My first week in the job
You responded with a bollocking
And told me ‘Shut your gob’
I remember when I emailed you
Whilst trying to be nice
You should have felt, quite privileged
‘Cause I’ve only been nice – twice
You called me – unprofessional
And said ‘It isn’t done’
To write ‘Love John’ on an email
Which I thought rather fun
You said I had to take work serious
And to be on the ball, precise
You told me off, I got upset
‘Cause I didn’t think it nice
So now my working life is over
Fearing naught for wrath above
I’m sending this last email
To you, from me WITH LOVE